Two days ago combatants of the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO) have conducted a successful action in the capitol of Turkey, Istanbul. In the business district of Sarıgazi a bank and the local PPT (postal service) branch were bombed and attacked with a molotov cocktail. To complement these actions, a banner was hung up with the signature of “TKP/ML-TIKKO”

TIKKO Instanbul 4

This action marks a fresh and inspiring development as the People’s War in a city such as Istanbul has recently mostly been unfolded by means of armed propaganda and less so of other types of actions, such as the sabotage action with the bombing that has been seen now. In a letter send to Yeni Demokrasi by militants of the TKP/ML claiming the action for them, this is further fundamental as it is stated, that this typ of militant actions would correspond to the line of the 1st   Party Congress (that was successfully held this year) and that also in the future actions would be carried out breaking with “the legal boundaries”.

The full statement (in Turkish) can be found here:

TIKKO Instanbul 4