- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
Manifestaciones en varias ciudades de Alemania denunciando el violento desalojo de la Toma 17 de Mayo
El pasado viernes 17 de mayo tuvo lugar una manifestación frente al consulado chileno en Bremen, así como el lunes 20 de mayo frente al Consulado General de Chile en Hamburgo.
Inicialmente las manifestaciones estaban pensadas para presionar al estado chileno que amenazaba con desalojar la Toma 17 de Mayo. Después de que la banda de asesinos del estado chileno, los carabineros, desalojaran la toma violentamente, las manifestaciones se centraron en denunciar este crimen.
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Lateinamerika
在有着如此多混乱时代,我们在由贡萨罗主席做的普遍有效(universally valid)的贡献的马克思列宁毛主义,主要是毛主义中,重申贡萨罗主席讲话和我们自己的全面正确(full validity),从而为保卫贡萨罗主席的生命与健康做出贡献。我们认为这是必要的,也是我们会面的责任。保卫贡萨罗主席的运动与毛主义运动密不可分,是世界无产阶级革命的一部分,是为世界无产阶级革命服务。
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Allgemein
The problem of masses, the struggle for daily demands and People's War
Peru People‘s Movement: The problem of masses, the struggle for daily demands and People's War
By way of introduction:
Think about these questions to read the document
The question is how it is conceived and how it is handled.
The question is that we must see according to the conditions and the necessity (...); if the Party does not begin to see and to demonstrate through deeds that it serves the masses and that it can lead in its struggles, how will they trust that we will emancipate the people?
The problem is whether what is done in fact serves the principles and the war, if not, then we correct and rethink it
Why do we go to the shanty towns (to the masses)? We gain the contingent for the war and the mass tells us, what do I do now? if we say I am not in charge of that, the mass will tell us, how is this comrade! Why did you come! We have to worry about all these things and have to understand how we can resolve them and how to resolve definitely, that is, the problem is to break the vicious cycle.
The problem of the masses, the struggle for daily demands and the People's War
This relationship has to do with the united front to conquer power. What does the communiqué for the masses of the shanty towns state to us? Wage and salary increases, that's good. Do we have to fight for that? Of course, how can we not fight for that! Discussing that we have to fight for salaries doesn't make sense, however, how would we do guerrilla war on the union level, how would we prepare the class for the conquest of power? How would we make new unions, creating class union or readjusting others?
Here the problem of the People's Cantines and Glass of Milk, food subsidies is posed to us. Are we fighting for subsidies? Of course we are fighting for subsidies! If we in the New State put subsidies in place because we want food products to be cheap and same price everywhere, how can that be bad, the matter is that we with the New State will be able to implement it, but for now, while and where we still do not have the New Power, we fight for that and as far as possible we uproot it. The question of the People's Canteens and the Glass of Milk are apparatuses that we have not created, but they exist, the government is disregarding them, revisionism can no longer ride on the backs the masses as before, and society is plunged, without exaggeration, into a crisis that is worse than that of the famous great crisis of the 1930s, in the world, so for the masses today it is a much more pressing need than yesterday and that is why they are demanding it, even more so they are demanding the Party to lead them to obtain even what little they had yesterday, besides they know that we are not leading them to vote for "a" or "b" but to take in their hands what belongs to them, which means to uproot it with struggle and with People's War, they demand it, then, because it is a benefit for their scarce alimentation, a glass of milk serves the children, if not, why do the masses organize to obtain and prepare it? Why do they make People's Canteens? Because they need them, additionally it is a development from the "common pot" that the proletariat has always organized in its strikes. So it makes sense, that's why they are putting forward these demands to us. We insist on the fact that the question is to link the struggle for the daily demands to the functions of power, and on the other hand that these organisms have been created by this or that revisionist or reactionary apparatus, first that is false and second that they have been mounted on the needs of the masses to traffic with their interests and to ride on their backs, to use them in their electoral pursuits, in their parliamentary cretinism and above all to contain their explosiveness and to sustain the order, not to educate the masses to destroy the order and to conquer the power that belongs to them through war.
It says: Health Center, is it something they feel? of course they feel it; ... there are problems of water, drainage, electrification, reduction of the contingency fund, they are problems derived from the needs of the neighborhoods and the shanty towns, they raise therefore what they need: execution of works of electrification, reservoirs, that Sedapal (the water company for Lima) complies, Should one ask Sedapal to comply? How can one not ask? I will not pay the contribution of the fund for extensions to facilities, etc., here we see specific claims of the shanty towns;
It goes on: "Free water", this seems to us like a good campaign, that's what we have raised: to demand free water, to demand that the militias bring water, instead of repressing, that they invest their effort and money, to wear them out more, but the water is distributed by us, the masses themselves because it is part of their rights, not a gift, that's why they pay so many taxes to the State and the Municipality, so the municipality, what the hell is it for? At the same time unmasking that what the cachacos (the reactionary army) are doing today is nothing but the so-called "civic action" that has a counter-revolutionary character, part of the so-called Yankee low-intensity strategy, which is eminently a military, repressive action, aimed at forming informants, agents of "a sol" (the monetary unit of the country at that time, our note), which aims to annihilate leaders, cadres, militants, combatants or supporters in order to separate the guerrilla from the masses, to annihilate the People's War; not to accept anything in return; that their action is reduced to handing over food to the mass organizations, is an occasion to create new organisms, the Committees of Leaders, Committees of Struggle or Committees of Distribution, that they distribute it, that the organized masses should do it, we educate the masses in the tactics, aiming at the poorest, those who need it most, conjuring up benefits for a few or their agents. This is not in opposition to the actions of assaults on food wagons, whether they are from major traders nor to our ambushing the military distribution trucks.
These are necessities of the masses, if not, why are they being raised by the masses? "Public cleaning" how can this be wrong? it's good, because of the garbage accumulated in the streets many children and old people get sick, cholera is produced, etc.; "against the oppressive municipal taxes," to the Cisa (a municipal gabelle, our note) the so-called informals, the street vendors pay more money than all the businessmen or traders, that is raised by the deputy for Liberty (the front of the compradors led by the hack writer Vargas Llosa) who worked at the ILD, Ghersi, in the magazine Caretas, it is an exorbitant tax, we are against these taxes.
"No to the privatization of education", no way around it, we are for free education and how can we allow the cuts if it is part of the plan of their so-called neoliberalism, to make education more elitist, that fewer children of the people are educated and they are so blind that they do not even see what their own masters are demanding of them, that for their capitalist restructuring they require qualified labor, future scientists, managers of their economy, specialists, if not what modernization of their State are they talking about? they want to end free education and exempt themselves from another function by placing it on the shoulders of the already agonized and hungry father of the family within the people.
There they are putting forward the necessities of the masses and necessities derived from a sharpened crisis and the hardest one in our history, how could we only put forward the conquest of power through the People's War without linking that political struggle to the struggle for their daily demands? We well know that the struggle for daily demands is one side of the coin and the other side is the war, isn't that what we said when we initiated the armed struggle? They can not be unlinked, doing so is opportunism. If the mass is not moved in search of benefits, how is it going to struggle? Doesn't Chairman Mao Tsetung say: "be concerned with water and salt", that's how he has taught us, that's good and it's good that it's raised in these documents.
Now, this leads to a problem: how are these things accomplished?
The central question is this: only we, the New Power, can guarantee, no one else can guarantee, only we with New Power and with the Army aiming at satisfying those needs by moving the masses, that is essentially our means, there is no other way to do it, it is the only guarantee, hence the need to fight for the establishment of the People's Republic of Peru, that this is so proved by the People's Committees in the countryside and the People's Struggle Committees in the cities, with all the complexity that this implies in a city, conscious that we have to learn every time to manage it better, but here it is being shown how the people find direct benefits, satisfaction of their elemental needs even if in small quantities, but they find even a crumb, torn from its garden by their effort, or find even a roof to shelter themselves and support, cover, protect the Party and serve the People's War, there is a small display and as power develops more rights will be guaranteed more, insisting more, only the New Power guarantees them. But in the face of the struggles for daily demands that we are seeing, fighting for salaries I think it is obvious, nobody is going to argue about it; then the debatable problem would be "People's Cantines", we were already talking about that because of these problems of the crisis the reactionaries themselves say that every economic readjustment plan they make against their inflation, is accompanied by a compensatory plan to avoid explosiveness, that's how it is, why do they want to avoid it? because we use explosiveness. The concrete fact is that there is this objective reality, it is a necessity, so our problem is that just as reaction wants to utilize it and utilizes it, we have to utilize it to develop the struggle of the class and the people, because if we don't do that, then we either let reaction continue to exploit and oppress them, or we let opportunism or revisionism traffic with them, so that the growing explosiveness and the minimum, basic needs of the masses are totally utilized by reaction for its own evil purposes of counter-subversive war; we cannot do that, we have to wage our struggle in all kinds of organisms, in yellow organisms, in gray organisms. So if we go in there, for what are we going to fight? Do we tell them these things are useless, the present State cannot fulfill them, for the sake of fighting? Absurd! They would tell me then, why did you come to lead me? That's why one has to ask like this: look, when we are in power there these rights will be guaranteed, for now we fight to uproot them in a hard fight until we break the vicious cycle and this fight is not in vain but rather it forges and prepares you for the new contentions, that's what we tell them, but insist that the guarantee of that is the New Power.
Then, in spite of all that we fight for, nothing is seized, or they want to control but because the proletariat refuses the control, it doesn't want to be tied down, but rather that they fulfill their obligation to contribute to their alimentary needs, of the children or pregnant women or to the people's canteen, Here I explain why they do not give him what he conquers or why they give him less and less despite so much struggle, because the old society in order to subsist reduces the capacity to work, from 100 to 20 it gives them that capacity, they relegate 80 in order to subsist. Doesn't the report by Hurtado Miller say that? That means that out of every 100 only 20 are given adequate work and 80 are condemned either not to work, to complete unemployment or to under-employment, that's the obsolete society, therefore I have the right to demand that they don't control me because of that; What I fight for is nothing but the compensation that even its own laws establish because I have nothing but labor power and I have to maintain it because they are destroying the people themselves, the creative power, the most revolutionary class because it is the productive class; the people themselves are the one that do everything, it is making the very capital of society, because those are its laws and I cannot allow it, because its plan is to physically destroy the class.
Since the reconstitution, before the beginning of the armed struggle, haven't we fought for the cost of living and didn't we raise its relation to the physical and moral destruction of the class? Didn't we expose how this system engenders abandonment of children, prostitution, delinquency? And today all that is worse, the class can't conquer and lose at the minute what it has conquered, so how are we going to teach, then? We have to see for unemployment, for wages, for the cost of living, for children, for women, for the weak part of the class, there the reactionary class that does not even look for its children, even less for those of the people, to see for the needs of a roof to live under, especially in the cities to impulse the invasions, etc.; all this is in the document of the Preparatory Session of the II Plenum when it deals with the masses, it was established there.
So, first I combat, I struggle, I use all the forms of struggle I know; secondly, but in spite of everything I do not impose, but, because of this I do not stop fighting; thirdly, but to fight I have to have a crumb in my mouth at least, why would it be bad for us to organize food production? It's easier for the masses of people to have 10 kitchens than to have 100 kitchens--you can even save up, and you can better organize to bring something to them, or to make something out of their very limited, very difficult lives; fourth, but the question is to organize and to do this on the margins of the state and against this state, to serve the revolution, to organize ourselves with class independence for the class interests of the proletariat and the people for the revolution; fifth, but as soon as we develop this, the reaction will not like it and will combat us, as soon as we develop this in a campaign against them, the repressive forces will be sent, of course because we will be undermining them more, there the question is in resisting and learning how to handle this, but if the masses see that under this struggle and this organization they satisfy some of what they need, they will have more and more just reason to combat to uproot or defend what has been conquered; sixth, it would be erroneous for us not to do that independently, not to link it to preparing the big contentions, if we didn't understand it as developing the struggle in terms of People's War to seize power, if we didn't understand with class independence, if we understood it simply so that the Old State would not have problems; Seventh, only with the New State, the People's Republic of Peru, are these rights and needs guaranteed, in the meantime it is a contention, a class struggle taking up the struggle for daily demands to promote the People's War, in the service of the People's War, fighting the Old State, struggling to wrest from it what it owes us, what it squeezes and sucks out of us like a lemon, and developing independently, with class independence, in the perspective of the revolution; otherwise it would be leaving everything in the hands of opportunists, revisionists and the government to tie them up or continue to annihilate them and undermine them physically and morally.
The problem is how it is conceived, how it is organized, and what its goal is; again, it is an objective reality that each part, revolution and counter-revolution, is striving to lead the masses in towards their course. Doesn't the Strategic Equilibrium document, when it deals with Chairman Mao's article on democracy and war, say that? Doesn't it say there that the masses are increasingly the arena of contention and now in war with both armed sides, the question is armed contention? And isn't the contention in the mind, in the very needs of the people? The error would be in not making it clear that the solution lies in the People's Republic of Peru, that we do not link it to the People's War and that we do not develop the independent action of the people; That we did not fight the Old State and its governments, revisionism and opportunism, here would be the bad things, and that we wanted to consent that tomorrow we solve the situation of the general crisis of the Peruvian society with those crumbs or that we are going to destroy the three mountains simply with elemental questions, these forms of struggle must be to gather energies and to forge us spiritually and in the class struggle for the fight for power, thus the problem is in how it is conceived and how it is managed.
Another question is that our energies should not be unleashed and focused as the principal thing on this, because between the struggle for daily demands and People's War, the People's War is principal, the struggle for daily demands is means, an instrument for it, which means that if I am contending and fighting for daily demands at a moment's notice that's precisely where I support with People's War, which is what gives strength to the confrontations. But since there are new tasks and new forces are presented to me, we will draw from these new forces the elements that can fulfill these new tasks, so that we will have more contingents that will be forged for higher tasks and we ourselves will lead both, without in any way subtracting but increasing the principalities. That there is a possible deviation of right and left, in everything this is given, we have not seen the limitations? in everything this is given. The point is that we must see according to the conditions and the necessity of polarization; if the Party does not begin to see and to demonstrate through deeds that it serves the masses and that it can lead in its struggles, how will they trust that we will emancipate the people? In this way we can deal with these questions. At least in this way we can analyze, seeing the practice, we must investigate reality, see what problems there are and where it clashes, get orientations, directives, policies and then that the practice proves and guards the purity of the line, we must never unravel and always link ourselves to the war, and if we are wrong? We have already seen, only those who do nothing are not wrong, but they already made the mistake of doing nothing, sometimes one says "but we have never done this before" oh wow! We have never done the People's War before, only since 1980 we have done it, so that's not a problem, "I have never done" is not a problem, he problem is whether what is done in fact serves the principle and the war, if not, then we correct and rethink it, if there is a strong contention, then it is applied as a pilot plan even if it is, there are many ways to do things, the problem is not to tie your hands and to think about what Lenin says: "New tasks with new forces" because they are revolutionary, why are they asking us this? Why do we go to the shanty towns? We gain contingent for the war and the mass tell us, what do I do now? if we say I am not in charge of that, the mass will tell us, how is this comrade! Why did you come! We have to worry about all these things and make understood that we can resolve and how to resolve ultimately, that is, the problem is to break the vicious cycle.
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Dokumente der kommunistischen Bewegung
2019's International May Day Report
In the following, we present a brief summary of dozens of actions, reports, images and videos taken from nearly all continents. The attempt was made to give a comprehensive overview, although there are certainly shortcomings. We express our salutations to all actions developed in service of the Proletarian World Revolution by our comrades throughout the world in their magnificent efforts for this 1st of May.
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Dokumente der kommunistischen Bewegung
Destroy the EU: Elections no, Revolution yes!
Beginning on the 23rd of May the elections of the European Union are going to take place, lasting until the 26th. Preparing for a couple of months, the propaganda of the bourgeois parties is now fully on the way, with their poster, slogans and campaigns about the greatness (or not-so greatness) of the EU. However, an eye catching similarity in between the countries of the EU is not only the common propaganda for the EU Elections, but also the deep rejection of the masses, who - venting their anger - commence everywhere to destroy and trash electoral materials in great numbers. Revolutionaries in different countries – such as Sweden for example - have already started to develop their own boycott campaigns against the EU. Now a joint declaration of several Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations follows suit, kicking off a joint campaign to boycott the elections with common posters, slogans, declarations, etc.
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Dokumente der kommunistischen Bewegung
International Mayday 2019: Dare to struggle, dare to win!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Dare to struggle, dare to win!
On this First of May the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations from allover the world salute our class, the international proletariat and the oppressed Peoples and Nations, who in the midst of growing poverty, hunger, imperialist terror and aggression, struggle against imperialism, world reaction and revisionism. We once more reaffirm our pledge to never rest as long as exploitation exists on earth and to raise to ever higher peaks our red banners with the hammer and sickle until humankind has entered Communism.
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Dokumente der kommunistischen Bewegung
¡En defensa de la vida del Presidente Gonzalo enarbolar más alto la bandera del Maoísmo!
¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
¡En defensa de la vida del Presidente Gonzalo enarbolar más alto la bandera del Maoísmo!
Finalmente ahora escuchemos esto, como vemos en el mundo, el maoísmo marcha inconteniblemente a comandar la nueva ola de la revolución proletaria mundial ¡entiéndase bien y compréndase! los que tienen oídos, úsenlos, los que tienen entendimiento y todos los tenemos manéjenlos ¡basta de necedades basta de oscuridades! ¡entendamos eso! ¿qué se desenvuelve en el mundo? ¿qué necesitamos? necesitamos que el maoísmo sea encarnado y lo está haciendo y que pase generando Partidos Comunistas, a manejar, a dirigir, esa nueva gran ola de la revolución proletaria mundial que se nos viene. (Discurso Presidente Gonzalo, set.1992)
Los Partidos y Organizaciones marxistas-leninstas-maoístas firmantes nos reafirmamos, en esta solemne celebración de los 26 años del histórico y transcendental discurso del Presidente Gonzalo, en su plena vigencia y muy especialmente en defender la vida de ese titán del pensamiento y la acción, Jefe del Partido Comunista del Perú y de la revolución peruana; quien ha definido el maoísmo, como nueva, tercera y superior etapa del marxismo y quien estableció, que ser marxista hoy es ser marxista-leninista-maoísta, principalmente maoísta. Entendemos que la defensa del Presidente Gonzalo, implica luchar de la forma más consecuente por poner el maoísmo como único mando y guía de la nueva gran ola de la revolución proletaria mundial, que ya se está desarrollando. Entendemos que esa lucha es parte de la tarea para reunificar a los comunistas del mundo, que implica poner en primer lugar los principios del marxismo, los intereses de clase del proletariado internacional, la lucha de liberación de los pueblos y naciones oprimidos, en fin la lucha por el Comunismo.
La campaña de celebración del 200° aniversario del natalicio del Gran Carlos Marx – a la cual procedió las celebraciones del 50° aniversario de la Gran Revolución Cultural Proletaria y del 100° aniversario de la Revolución de Octubre - ha marcado un salto en la lucha por unir a las comunistas en el mundo. Es una campaña, impulsada principalmente por los Partidos y Organizaciones Marxista-Leninista-Maoístas de América Latina, viene demostrando una más elevada unidad ideológica, política y organizativa de parte significativa del Movimiento Comunista Internacional (MCI) y, en su desenvolvimiento va aunando fuerzas nuevas. Desde la campaña de celebración del 100° aniversario del natalicio del Presidente Mao Tsetung, no ha habido una campaña similar en el MCI. Para que nadie se confunda: las campañas de apoyo a las guerras populares, obviamente, no han sido del mismo carácter, esta es un campaña de Partidos y Organizaciones con explicito carácter comunista - este hecho llama a una seria reflexión, porque es expresión, de cómo en la práctica, la lucha por la unidad se desenvuelve poniendo como punto de partida el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo, principalmente el maoísmo, la lucha contra el revisionismo y el servir a la revolución mundial, en resumen, como se va plasmando la consigna ¡Unirse bajo el maoísmo!
También es importante resaltar, para todos los que quieren ver, que en los últimos años se ha dado un impulso importante en el MCI. En varios países donde las fuerzas comunistas estaban en un estado muy poco desarrollado, han resurgido Partidos y Organizaciones que enarbolan el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo y bregan por reconstituir sus partidos comunistas destruídos por el revisionismo. La mayoría de estas fuerzas toman una clara posición por la definición del maoísmo hecha por el Presidente Gonzalo. Eso lleva a que algunos, ajenos de todo criterio marxista, los calificen como “gonzalistas” e imputen a la izquierda de “sectarios y dogmáticos”. Aparte de lo obvio – que el oportunismo y el revisionismo siempre han tildado a los marxistas así - revela que no han entendido que estamos en el período de lucha por imponer el maoísmo como único mando y guía de la revolución proletaria mundial y que al asumir el maoísmo como tercera etapa del desarrollo de la ideología del proletariado internacional, muchos partidos y organizaciones, en esencia, lo vieron solamente como cambiar una formulación, que hablar de maoísmo era un forma “más moderna” de hablar sobre el pensamiento Mao Tsetung.
Entonces, el problema en el MCI no radica, principalmente, en que el maoísmo no esté reconocido formalmente, sino en cómo lo entienden algunos, por eso la importancia de partir de quien definió el maoísmo como la nueva, tercera y superior etapa de nuestra ideología; porque solo partiendo de lo establecido cientificamente por el Presidente Gonzalo es que podemos entender el maoísmo como una unidad, como un sistema armónico. Sí no se parte de lo establecido por el Presidente Gonzalo se cae en eclecticismo, contraponiendo citas, pero no entendiendo las ideás. Si entendemos esto, podemos entender la razón por la cual, no son pocos los Partidos y organizaciones que llevando tiempo más prolongado se han quedado estancados y no dan saltos en su procesos, mientras los que más se afincan en aprender del Presidente Gonzalo, en general, van avanzando, principalmente en términos cualitativos, pero también en términos cuantitativos. Los que se apuran de poner etiquetas les aconsejamos que abran sus ojos al verdad material en vez de dejarse exaltar por su imaginaciones.
Si vemos el estado real de la lucha por la reunificación de los comunistas en el mundo podemos constatar que en muchos aspectos estamos mucho mejor que lo que estuvimos en los mejores momentos del Movimiento Revolucionario Internacionalista (MRI), que si bien el MRI correctamente fue caracterizado por el Presidente Gonzalo como un “paso adelante”, él también señaló, con la precisión que le es propia, que “mientra se siga una linea ideológica-política justa y correcta”; será un paso adelante, y así el MRI sirvió a unir a los comunistas en base a la linea roja, y ésta no podía ser otra que la del Presidente Gonzalo. Es decir, lo principal de la evaluación del MRI es constatar que, sirvió a la revolución proletaria mundial - y en particular a la tarea de bregar por la reunificación de los comunistas, mientras sirvió a la lucha de poner el maoísmo como su único mando y guía; es decir, a la lucha dirigida por el Presidente Gonzalo, y dejó de jugar un papel positivo, cuando los revisionistas del “PCR” de los Estados Unidos, aprovechando la situación problemática de la izquierda por el recodo en la guerra popular en el Perú, pasó a hegemonizarlo totalmente. Nunca debemos olvidar que la unidad es para servir a la revolución y solamente se la sirve cuando el interés del proletariado se impone. La unidad de los comunistas, hoy en el mundo, solamente se puede dar en base al marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo, principalmente el maoísmo, de lo contrario no es unidad de comunistas, sino un especie de “frente” con el revisionismo y el oportunismo.
El MRI fue liquidado por el manejo que hizo de la lucha de dos lineas el revisionismo. La maniobra de Avakian fue plantear como punto de partida su “critica” a la segunda línea oportunista de derecha, revisionista y capitulacionista en Perú, que, supuestamente, “no importa el autor sino la linea”, lo cual precisamente llevó a centrar el debate en torno quien era “el autor”. ¿O este miserable no sabía que los comunistas del mundo iban a saltar cuando se ponía en cuestión a la Jefatura? Así se desenrrumbó la lucha de dos lineas. El problema para la izquierda en el MCI, fue la situación difícil y compleja en la cual entró el PCP después de la detención del Presidente Gonzalo.
Pese a todo, el PCP siguió cumpliendo su papel como la Fracción Roja del MCI y la guerra popular sigue siendo faro y guía de la RPM. Porque la vida del partido no puede ser cesada jamás y la guerra popular no se ha detenido ni un sólo instante. Pero, situaciones como la falta del Jefe causan problemas en la izquierda. La derecha pudo así ir planteando sus posiciones (los ataques contra la dictadura del proletariado, la “justeza de las negaciones de paz como táctica”, la negación de la semifeudalidad y la evolución del capitalismo burocrático, la negación del las tres características del imperialismo, etc.) y todo eso pasó a segundo plano porque la atención se centró en “debatir” las maniobras de la guerra psicológica del imperialismo y la actuación siniestra de traidores. Alrededor del cambio de siglo la lucha se agudizó. Así, la izquierda entró en problemas y, en gran parte, cayó en la trampa de Avakian, la iniciativa quedó en manos de la derecha y esta podía llevar la lucha de dos lineas a explotar y así el revisionismo liquidó el MRI.
Nadie puede culpar a los marxistas por los crímenes del revisionismo, pero sí es necesario este balance autocrítico de la izquierda, a cuya dirección le faltó la madurez y previsión necesarias para conjurar las intrigas del revisionismo, problema que se agravó al extremo por la infiltración y usurpación de aparatos enteros por parte de los servicios secretos y policiales de la reacción.
Prachanda, por su parte, ya renegó hasta formalmente del marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo uniéndose con los revisionistas del UML, comprobando una vez más que nunca fue maoísta, que nunca fue el “gran dirigente” que tanto reclamaron quienes queríen negar lo planteado por el Presidente Gonzalo y el PCP, desnudándose ante el mundo como él más miserable arribista, traficante e intrigante que se ha presentado en los últimos décadas en el MCI – ya no se puede calificar este miserable como traidor porque ha demostrado que en toda su vida nunca fue comunista, sino lo único que le ha interesado ha sido su poder personal y por esto no tienen ningún miramiento en llamar “camaradas” a los verdugos de la revolución nepalí como son las ratas de UML.
Ya han pasado años desde que el galán Avakian se catapultó a sí mismo fuera de las filas del MCI. Su “nueva síntesis” es una ruptura con el marxismo, es un deslinde absoluto con la ideología del proletariado internacional, es una negación abierta y descarada del marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo. Avakian, como Alejandro, se proclamó dios, la diferencia es que el segundo lo hacía para mantener su imperio y para controlar sus nuevas fuerzas, mientras el primero lo hizo para mantener su pequeña corte degenerada y poder seguir vegetando en el lodo.
Si bien, las posiciones revisionistas de ambos, principalmente de Avakian por haber sido la cabeza de la derecha, siguen repercutiendo, y la lucha contra aquellas por lo tanto no puede ser declarada por terminada, está el hecho que ambos huyeron de la lucha interna en el MCI y por eso tampoco pueden ser tomados como el centro en la lucha de dos lineas. Plantear que el centro de la lucha es criticar a estos dos miserables es plantear la conciliación con el revisionismo y es dar campo libre a la derecha.
El problema principal no está en los que se han quedado fuera, los renegados, sino en los que forman parte del MCI. Sí hay que desmontar y aplastar su nefasta linea, pero eso para unirnos más sobre el base del marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo, principalmente el maoísmo, con los aportes de validez universal del presidente gonzalo y eso implica debatir los puntos centrales y, en particular, lograr una compresión generalizada del maoísmo como unidad.
Hay quienes hasta ahora insisten en divulgar la patraña contrarrevolucionaria (que el Presidente Gonzalo sería la cabeza de la linea oportunista de derecha revisionista y capitulacionista). Argumentan con lo planteado por los traidores (“él me dijo” o “él me abrazó” y otros chismes) y con el manejo del imperialismo y la reacción de la guerra psicológica (“juicios” y videos “filtrados”). Supuestamente habría que tomar muy en serio cualquier cosa que venga de quien sea que quiere tirar lodo al Presidente Gonzalo, “analizar” y rompernos la cabeza para entrar en una discusión “si es él o no es él”. Están mal, porque no entienden que “el debate” ya se cerró, las comunistas ya tomaron posición y la cuestión esta definida: ha quedado demostrado que en ningún momento el Presidente Gonzalo ha negado la Base de Unidad Partidaria del PCP, es el jefe del Partido y la revolución, el más grande marxista-leninista-maoísta viviente sobre la faz de la tierra, sigue luchando transformando el campo de concentración de la Base Naval de Callao en la más alta luminosa trinchera de la guerra popular. Lo que corresponde es defender su vida con guerra popular. Son ya 26 años en los cuales el Presidente Gonzalo no ha podido comunicarse directamente con el Partido o el MCI, son 26 años de aislamiento absoluto, eso es lo concreto. Que el imperialismo, la reacción y el revisionismo van a seguir urdiendo intrigas está claro, lo otro sería que cambiarán su naturaleza (tesis de los seguidores del sagrado Avakian, que es un imposible), pero no podemos permitir que esas intrigas detengan el avance de los comunistas.
Qué quede claro: que los comunistas nos reafirmamos en el principio de la critica y autocrítica y la seriedad de un Partido, como nos enseño Lenin, se mide por su capacidad de asumir la autocrítica. Por eso no cerramos la puerta a nadie, aparte de los que han manchado sus manos con el sangre de la masas. Así, si los que han cometido faltas y errores graves quieren realmente corregirse son muy bienvenidos; para eso tienen que demostrar su condición de comunistas y cerrar filas con la izquierda, que entiendan que para ser jefe hay que mover a más que sus “cercanos y queridos”, que un jefe proletario no es un ridículo mandamás sino quien sabe dirigir la transformación del mundo.
En ocasión de celebrar un nuevo aniversario del Discurso del Presidente Gonzalo, nos toca muy particularmente saludar a los camaradas del Partido Comunista del Perú, quienes con firmes pasos avanzan en la reorganización general del Partido y ya ven cercano el día su culminación; proceso que se da en medio de la guerra popular, como prueba, una vez más, las recientes acciones contundentes del Ejercito Popular de Liberación, manteniendo los Comités Populares y Bases de Apoyo. Los comunistas del mundo reconocemos el papel extraordinario del PCP y nadie puede dudar que la culminación de la reorganización de este Partido significara un impulso clave para la revolución proletaria mundial y será un pieza decisiva en la lucha por la reunificación del MCI.
Debemos entender que se cumple los que dijo el Presidente Gonzalo el 24 de septiembre 1992, el maoísmo esta encárnandose en los pueblos del mundo, esta generando Partidos Comunistas marxistas-leninistas-maoístas, pasa a dirigir la nueva gran ola de la revolución proletaria mundial. Lo que toca es luchar para que se encarne más, que avancen las guerras populares en marcha, que la guerra popular sea iniciada lo más pronto posible en cada país donde existen Partidos Comunistas, que se impulse aún más la lucha por la reconstitución de los Partidos en los países donde no los hay, para que sean partidos que inicien guerra popular. Entendiendo el maoísmo como unidad, marcharemos con cada vez más claridad y firmeza hacía la reunificación de los comunistas a nivel mundial, aplastando al imperialismo, la reacción y el revisionismo, aprendiendo del Presidente Gonzalo.
¡Viva el Presidente Gonzalo!
¡Unirse bajo el Maoísmo!
¡La Guerra Popular vencerá inevitablemente!
Partido Comunista de Ecuador - Sol Rojo
Partido Comunista del Brasil (Fracción Roja)
Movimiento Popular Perú (Comité de Reorganización)
Fracción Roja del Partido Comunista de Chile
Organización Maoísta para la Reconstitución del Partido Comunista de Colombia
Núcleo Revolucionario para la Reconstitución del Partido Comunista de México
Comité Bandera Roja – Alemania
Comités para la Fundación del Partido Comunista (Maoísta), Austria
EE.UU. Guardias Rojos
Servir al Pueblo – Liga Comunista de Noruega
Colectivo Bandera Roja (Finlandia)
- Πληροφοριακά Στοιχεία
- Dokumente der kommunistischen Bewegung
In defence of the life of Chairman Gonzalo, hoist higher the flag of Maoism!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
In defence of the life of Chairman Gonzalo,
hoist higher the flag of Maoism!
Finally now, listen to this. As we see in the world, Maoism is marching unstoppably to lead the new wave of world proletarian revolution. Listen well and understand! Those who have ears, use them. Those who have understanding - and we all have it - use it! Enough of this nonsense. Enough of these obscurities! Let us understand that! What is unfolding in the world? What do we need? We need Maoism to be embodied, and it is being embodied, and by generating Communist Parties it shall drive and lead this new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that is coming. (Speech of Chairman Gonzalo, Sep. 1992)
We, the signing Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations, reaffirm ourselves, in this solemn celebration of the 26th year of the historical and transcendental speech of Chairman Gonzalo, in its full validity and especially in defending the life of this Titan of Thought and Action, the Great Leader of the Communist Party of Peru and the Peruvian Revolution; who has defined Maoism as the new, third and superior stage of Marxism and who established, that to be a Marxist today is to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, principally Maoist. We understand that the defence of Chairman Gonzalo implies to struggle in the most consequent way to impose Maoism as the sole command and guide of the New Great Wave of the Proletarian World Revolution, which is already developing. We understand that this struggle is part of the task to reunite the communists of the world, which implies to put the principles of Marxism, the class interests of the international proletariat, the struggle for liberation of the oppressed peoples and nations, and in the end, the struggle for Communism, in the first place.
The campaign for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Karl Marx – that was preceded by the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Great Proletarian Culutral Revolution and the 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution - has marked a leap in the struggle to unite the communists in the world. It is a campaign, principally propelled by the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations of Latin America, which is demonstrating a higher ideological, political and organizational unity of a significant part of the International Communist Movement (ICM) and in its development, new forces are joining. Since the campaign for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tsetung, there was no similar campaign in the ICM. For no one to be confused: the campaigns to support the People’s Wars have obviously not been of the same character, as this is a campaign of Parties and Organizations with an explicit communist character – this fact calls for serious reflection, because it is an expression of how the struggle for unity is developed on practice, putting Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, the struggle against revisionism and serving the world revolution as a starting point, in summary, how the slogan Unite under Maoism! Manifests.
It is also important to highlight, for everyone who is willing to see, that an important impulse in the ICM was given in the last years. In many countries where the communist forces were on a very underdeveloped stage, Parties and Organizations that uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism reemerged and who struggle to reconstitute their Communist Parties that were destroyed by revisionism. The majority of these forces took clear position for the definition of Maoism made by Chairman Gonzalo. This makes some people, aloof from any Marxist criteria, label them as “Gonzaloists” and impute the left to be “sectarian and dogmatic”. Apart from the obvious – that opportunism and revisionism have always branded Marxists this way – it reveals that they have not understood that we are in the period of struggle to impose Maoism as the sole command and guide of the Proletarian World Revolution and that when assuming Maoism as the third stage of development of the ideology of the international proletariat, many parties and organizations, in essence, have only seen it as changing one formulation, that to speak of Maoism was a “more modern” form to speak about Mao Tsetung Thought.
So the problem in the ICM is not principally rooted in that Maoism is not formally acknowledged, but how some understand it, and this is why it is important to start with who defined Maoism as the new, third and superior stage of our ideology; because it is only by starting from what was scientifically established by Chairman Gonzalo that we can understand Maoism as one unit, as one harmonic system. If one does not take the work of Chairman Gonzalo as a starting point, one falls into eclecticism, counterposing quotes but not understanding the ideas. If we understand this, we can understand the reason why there are not few Parties and Organizations that, while taking longer time, have become stuck and have not made leaps in their processes, while those who put the most effort into learning from Chairman Gonzalo are, in general, advancing principally in qualitative terms, but also in quantitative terms. We advice those who rush to give labels to open their eyes to the material truth instead of getting carried away by their imaginations.
If we see the real state of the struggle for the reunification of the communists in the world we can see that in many aspects we are much better off than we were during the best moments of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM), because although the RIM was correctly characterized by Chairman Gonzalo as a “step forward”, he also pointed out - with his proper precision – that “as long as it follows a just and correct ideological-political line” the RIM will be a step forward, and it was, and it served to unite the communists on the basis of the red line and this could be no other than the line of Chairman Gonzalo. That is to say, the principal in the evaluation of the RIM is to state that it served the Proletarian World Revolution – and particularly the struggle to reunite the communists, while it served the struggle to impose Maoism as its sole command and guide - that is to say, the struggle which was led by Chairman Gonzalo - and that it ceased to play a positive role when the revisionists of the “RCP” from United States - taking advantage of the problematic situation of the left due to the bend in the People’s War in Peru – turned to totally hegemonize it. We must never forget that the unity is to serve the revolution and it only serves it, if the interest of the proletariat is imposed. The unity of the communists today in the world can only be achieved on the basis of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, or else it is not a unity of communists but a kind of “front” with revisionism and opportunism.
RIM was liquidated by revisionism’s handling of the two-line struggle. The maneuver of Avakian was, to state - as a starting point of his “criticism” of the second Right Opportunist Line, revisionist and capitulationist, in Peru – that supposedly “the author would not matter, only the line”, which precisely led to centering the debate on who “the author” was. Or did this miserable not know that the communists of the world would rise when their Great Leadership was questioned? This is how the two-line struggle was derailed. The Problem for the left in the ICM was the hard and complex situation in which the PCP entered after the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo.
Despite everything, the PCP continued fulfilling its role as the Red Fraction in the ICM and the People’s War continued to be beacon and guide of PWR. Because the life of the party can never be detained and the People’s War was not stopped for even a moment. However, situations like the lack of the Great Leader caused problems in the left. The right could then state their positions (the attacks on the dictatorship of the proletariat, the “justification of peace negotiations as tactics”, the negation of semifeudality and evolution of bureaucratic capitalism, the negation of the three characteristics of imperialism, etc.) and all this remained in second place because the attention was centered on “debating” the maneuvers of the psychological warfare of imperialism and the sinister actions of traitors. Around the turning of the century, the struggle was sharpened. Then the left went into trouble and a great part fell into Avakian’s trap, the initiative fell into the hands of the right and they could lead the two-line struggle into exploding and thus revisionism liquidated the RIM.
No one can blame the Marxists for revisionism’s crimes, but this self-critical evaluation of the left is indeed necessary, its leadership lacked the necessary maturity and foresight to prevent the intrigues of revisionism, a problem that was extremely worsened by infiltration and usurpation of whole apparatuses by secret services and police of the reaction.
Prachanda has even formally renegated Marxism-Leninism-Maoism while uniting with the revisionists of UML, proving once again that he never was a Maoist, that he was never the “great leader” that those who wanted to negate what was put forward by Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP claimed so much, unmasking himself before the world as the most miserable upstart, trafficker and intriguer that has been seen in the last few decades in the ICM. This miserable can not be qualified as a traitor anymore because he has shown that in his whole life he was never a communist, but the only thing he was interested in was his personal power and this is why they have no choice but to call executioners of Nepalese revolution, such as the rats of UML, “comrades”.
Years have already passed since the gallant Avakian catapulted himself out of the ranks of the ICM. His “new synthesis” is a rupture with Marxism, is an absolute demarcation with the ideology of the international proletariat, is an open and shameless negation of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Avakian, just like Alexander, proclaimed himself god, the difference is that the latter did so to maintain his empire and to control his new forces, while the former did it to maintain his small degenerated court and to be able to continue vegetating in the mud.
Although the revisionist positions of both - principally the one of Avakian, for being the head of the right - are still repercussing and the struggle against them can not be declared finished, due to the fact that both fled from the internal struggle in the ICM they can not be taken as the center of the two-line struggle. To state that the center of the struggle is to criticize those two miserables is to put forward the conciliation with revisionism and is to leave the empty field to the right.
The principal problem is not with those who have gone away, the renegades, but the ones that are part of the ICM. Yes, their poisonous line must be dismantled and crushed, but that must be done particularly to further unite on the base of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, with the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo and this implies to debate the central points and particularly to achieve a generalized understanding of Maoism as a unit.
There are those that until now insist on spreading the counterrevolutionary hoax (that Chairman Gonzalo is the head of the opportunist, revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line,).They argue with what was stated by traitors (“he told me” or “he embraced me” and other gossip), with what is controlled by imperialism and the psychological warfare of the reaction (“courts” and “filtered” videos). Anything that comes from whoever wants to throw mud at Chairman Gonzalo supposedly has to be taken very seriously, has to be “analyzed” and has to break our heads to enter into a discussion “whether or not it is him”. They are wrong, because they do not understand that “the debate” has already been closed, the communists have already taken a position and the matter is settled: It was demonstrated that Chairman Gonzalo has not denied the Party Unity Base of the PCP for a moment. He is the Great Leader of the Party and the revolution, the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist on the face of earth, keeping on struggling to transform the concentration camp of Callao Navy Base into the most Shining Trench of Combat of the People’s War. What corresponds is to defend his life with People’s War. 26 years have already passed in which Chairman Gonzalo could not directly communicate with the Party or the ICM; 26 years of absolute isolation, this is what it concretely is. That imperialism, the reaction and revisionism will continue to plot intrigues is clear, the contrary would be that they have changed their nature (a thesis of the disciples of the sacred Avakian, which is impossible), but we must not allow that these intrigues stop the advance of the communists.
To be clear: We communists reaffirm ourselves in the principle of criticism and self-criticism and the seriousness of a Party that, as Lenin taught us, is measured by its capability to assume self-criticism. This is why we do not close the door to anyone, except to those who stained their hands with the blood of the masses. Hence, if those who committed grave mistakes and errors really want to correct themselves they are very welcome; for this they have to demonstrate their condition as communists and close ranks with the left, understand that to be a Great Leader you have to move more than your “close and dear ones”, that a proletarian Great Leader is not a ridiculous big shot but someone who knows how to lead the transformation of the world.
On this occasion of celebrating a new anniversary of the Speech of Chairman Gonzalo, we particularly want to greet the comrades from the Communist Party of Peru who are advancing through firm steps in the general reorganization of the Party, that is already approaching the days of its culmination; a process that is made in the midst of the People’s War, proven one again with the recent forceful actions of the People’s Liberation Army that maintains the People’s Committees and Base Areas. We communists of the world acknowledge the extraordinary role of the PCP and no one can doubt that the culmination of the reorganization of this Party will mean a significant impulse for the Proletarian World Revolution and will be a decisive piece in the struggle for the reunification of the ICM.
We must understand that what Chairman Gonzalo said on September 24, 1992, is being fulfilled: Maoism is being embodied by the peoples of the world, is generating Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties, is starting to lead the New Great Wave of the Proletarian World Revolution. What is up to us is to struggle for it to be further embodied, that the ongoing People’s Wars advance, that the People’s War is as soon as possible initiated in each country where there are Communist Parties, that the struggle for the reconstitution of the Parties in those countries were none of them exist gets propelled further, so that they become Parties to initiate the People’s War. Understanding Maoism as a unit, we will march with ever more clarity and firmness towards the reunification of the communists on world level, smashing imperialism, the reaction and revisionism, learning from Chairman Gonzalo.
Long live Chairman Gonzalo!
Unite under Maoism!
People’s War will inevitably win!
Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun
Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
Peru People's Movement (Reorganisation Committee)
Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile
Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Columbia
Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
Committee Red Flag – FRG
Committees for the Founding of the (Maoist) Communist Party, Austria
US Red Guards
Serve the People – Communist League of Norway
Red Flag Collective (Finland)
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