The People's Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has celebrated the 22nd anniversary of its formation with a mass turnout. According to reports in the Indian state media, several celebrations were held in Sukma and Bastar districts of Chhattisgarh with mass participation.

Despite threats by the Indian state to disrupt the ceremonies from 2 to 8 December with operations and attacks, the celebrations were held without any problems under the protection of the PLGA.

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) in a statement released on 28 November 2022 wrote: "The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the PLGA on 2 December 2022, calls upon all ranks of the Party, PLGA units, People's Revolutionary Committees, mass organisations and revolutionary masses to celebrate gloriously with revolutionary zeal in rural and urban areas across the country. We call upon them to defeat the counter-revolutionary 'SAMADHAN' offensive, intensify the class struggle - expand the guerrilla war - increase the mass base and advance the people's war." (Our translation)

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