On Monday, comrades from the Website anovademocracia published a video of a propaganda action made by young revolutionaries in Brazil. Shouting slogans, drawing signs and painting banners the militants of the Revolutionary Youth League and the Popular Revolutionary Student Movement expressed their solidarity with imprisoned comrades and democratic activists in India.
Meanwhile, revolutionary forces in India carried out a number of actions in January against the reactionary forces in service of the old Indian state that enslaves the peoples. On Wednesday the 17th, two major ambushes were carried out by units of the PLGA. In the first one, four policemen, including two police sub-inspectors, were killed in the district of Narayanpur. 11 more officers were injuried, many of them critically, and had to be rescued by helicopter.
In the second ambush that day, this time in the district of Bijapur. one reactionary goon was killed on patrol, when a IED was triggered close by also wounding another police officer. In an another attack on a construction site last week, a 40 combatants strong unit set a blaze a number of trucks and construction vehicles, denouncing the illegal displacement of poor peasants.