This year 8th of May marks the 75th anniversary of victory against German Fascism and therefore a great day of joy for the international proletariat and people’s of the world. In the 1930ies German monopoly bourgeoisie had switched the form of government in its state and with that flipped the coin of its dictatorship to the other side. With its fascist regime and in alliance with Italian and Japanese Fascism the German monopoly bourgeoisie carried out an increasingly aggressive politics against the proletariat in Germany and the people’s of the world. So German imperialism rose to the main enemy of the people’s of the world – about two decades after the end of World War I. After the support of the fascist regime of Franco in Spain by Germany and the attack on Ethiopia (then called Abyssinia) by Italy the politics of aggression by German Fascism reached its temporary climax in the attack on Poland on 1st of September 1939. This day marks the beginning of World War II.

After some quick victories among others in France and Norway German imperialism directed its attention on the true enemy: The Socialist Soviet Union. Just one and a half years before Hitler had offered and signed a non-aggression pact, then he broke his word on June 22nd 1941 and started a surprise attack on the Soviet Union. Hitler had planned to buy some time and for that lead everyone to believe he was implementing a politics of peace regarding the Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union had also one and a half years of time to develop its socialist economy and to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat. Thus the Soviet Union, the Red Army and the CPSU (B) – under the leadership of Comrade Stalin – were able to react fast and powerful. On the June 30 1941 the State Defence Committee was founded with Comrade Stalin at its head. On July 3rd Comrade Stalin outlined the fundamental strategy and tactics to defend the socialist Soviet Union and to smash German Fascism in a radio broadcast. Summarizing the character of the war, he said:

The war with fascist Germany cannot be considered an ordinary war. It is not only a war between two armies, it is also a great war of the entire Soviet people against the German-fascist armies. The aim of this national patriotic war in defence of our country against the fascist oppressors is not only to eliminate the danger hanging over our country, but also to aid all the European peoples groaning under the yoke of German fascism. In this war of liberation we shall not be alone. In this great war we shall have true allies in the peoples of Europe and America, including the German people which is enslaved by the Hitlerite misrulers. Our war for the freedom of our country will merge with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic liberties.1

In the same speech Comrade Stalin also called for the formation of partisan units to also weaken the fascist aggressor considerably in the occupied parts of the Soviet Union and other countries. Partisans played an important role in the entire World War II and there are hundreds of examples of the great heroism of partisans. Also many Communists from Germany joined the ranks of partisans in other countries. There were partisan movements in France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Denmark and Austria just to name a few countries. They demonstrated what kind of striking power a partisan (or guerilla) war can develop under the leadership of the proletariat.

Also an important role in the war against German Fascism played the application of the united international front by Comrade Stalin to smash the main enemy of the people’s of the world. This way it was possible to unite as many countries as possible in the struggle against German imperialism and its fascism.2

After the initial successes of the German Fascists and the occupation of soviet territory, in the end of 1941 things changed over time when in December the siege of Moscow was broken through and the fascist troops had to retreat for the time being. In July 1942 German Fascist started their offensive on Stalingrad. Following the order of Stalin the Red Army held the city for a long time in a heroic act of strength against the superior forces in order to tie the German Army as long as possible. In yet another act of strength the Red Army moved a great amount of troops in no time in order to encircle the German Army in and before Stalingrad, beating it decisively. Stalingrad became a synonym for the turning point in World War II and a symbol of the heroic struggle of the Soviet Union and its people against German Fascism under the leadership of Comrade Stalin. The Red Army then began a great offensive to drive out the occupants.

On 1st of May 1944 Comrade Stalin yet again explained the objective of the war was now to once and for all smash German Fascism:

But our tasks cannot be confined to the expulsion of the enemy troops from our Motherland. The German troops now resemble a wounded beast which is compelled to crawl back to the frontiers of its lair—Germany—in order to heal its wounds. But a wounded beast which has retired to its lair does not cease to be a dangerous beast. To rid our country and the countries allied with us from the danger of enslavement, the wounded German beast must be pursued close on its heels and finished off in its own lair.3

A promise which was held by Comrade Stalin. In June 1944 the British and Yankee imperialists now were forced to land in Normandy by the military successes of the Soviet Union and so open a second war front against the German Army. Although the intervention of these imperialist powers came very late it was important to split up the forces of the German imperialists. On 2nd of May 1945 the Red Army had conquered Berlin and hoisted the banner of victory. So the war against fascism in Europe ended victorious with the complete capitulation of the German supreme command on 8th of May 1945 – the beast was finished off.

The victory over German Fascism is indissolubly linked to the name of Comrade Stalin. World reaction and some revisionist try to play down this great achievement of Comrade Stalin or to weaken it because of his errors. But this achievement is recorded forever in the heart of the international proletariat and the people’s of the world. Also unforgotten is the heroism of the Soviet People and the Red Army as well as of the red partisans in many parts or Europe. The death toll for the Soviet Union alone is estimated to be over 30 million. It payed by far the biggest price for smashing the German fascist beast.

In this regard it is also not possible not to mention the war of resistance of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China – led by Chairman Mao Tse-tung – against the Japanese aggressor. The war of resistance had beaten the Japanese ally of German Fascism so decisively it was not able to open up and sustain another war front against the Soviet Union.

Are there lessons to learn from the war against fascism for the Communists in Germany 75 years after its victorious ending? For sure there are. The Communists in Germany today need to be self-critical about the fact that the contribution to smash fascism by the Communists in Germany was so small. They need to learn that counter-revolutionary violence can only be beaten by revolutionary violence and that the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie – no matter which form of government it chooses – can only be smashed by People’s War. Today, while German imperialism once again strives to become a super power and for the repartition of the world this has even more validity. Because even though bourgeois democracy is the most favourable form of government of the bourgeoisie it does not mean that if it sees the necessity to do so it will not once again wake up a fascist beast and unleash it upon the international proletariat and the people’s of the world.

The Communists therefore should celebrate the 75th anniversary of the smashing of German Fascism but they also need to prepare for the upcoming battles. Only by doing so they can be true to the significance of this day.

1 Stalin, Radio Broadcast on July 3rd, 1941
2 Regarding this issue and others the document “The Historical Experience of the War against Fascism” is recommended, published by Foreign Languages Press Peking, 1965
3 Stalin, „Order of the Day, No. 70“, May 1st, 1944