Comrades from both A Nova Democracia from Brasl and the English-language New Epoch Media have reported on the participation of the Maoist contigent of the LLL Demonstration. A report from DemVolkeDienen on this demonstration in German can be found here.

In the following, we document the article published by New Epoch Media:


100 years of Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg demonstration

It has been a hundred years since the assassination of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxenburg. Since the 100th years, communists, revolutionaries and democrats have taken to the streets to uphold their heritage. Only fifteen days before the assassination of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxenburg they founded the glorious Communist Party of Germany.

This was a reason for communists and revolutionaries from all over Europe to celebrate the great leaders of the German proletariat and forming an internationalist bloc at the LLL-Demonstration. Particularly notable is the internationalist character of the bloc, which represented proletarian internationalism by different actions. An action at the "grave of the socialists" also stood out where the comrades put down a loop where it said: "Liebknecht and Luxemburg - Your legacy lives in the party! Unite under Marxism - Leninism - Maoism! "

The giant Lenin, who is also remembered in this demonstration, said the communists are "beginners". These were undoubtedly both comrades, Liebknecht and Luxemburg. They were the ones who opposed revisionism, opportunism, and social patriotism, inspired and guided by the command of the giant Lenin, who took on the great task of setting up the Communist Party of Germany in the midst of stormy times. Of these two great leaders of the German proletariat, the Communists and revolutionaries all over the world can learn. Now that the avantgarde of the proletariat holds firmly in the hand the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism. The communists and revolutionaries must rely on the experiences and the great heritage of Liebknecht and Luxenburg and creatively develop the class struggle on the basis of Maoism.





