
The activities for the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg-Weekend 2025 were conducted jointly by Partizan and Red League throughout a number of events scheduled over the weekend.

The Celtic Park of the Scottish football club Celtic Glasgow periodically shines in the colours of the flag of the Palestine National Liberation Movement. The fans of Celtic Glasgow embrace an anti-fascist and anti-imperialist stance and support the struggle of the Palestinian people with impressive choreographies at their football club's matches. In the current situation, the fans took up this issue again in particular and showed all the more Palestinian flags in the stadium. For this, the Green Brigade - Celtic's largest fan group - has now been banned from the stadium.

In the last few days, a number of stancils with the slogan „Support the arrested revolutionaries and rebels in France! It is right to rebel!“ were placed in the working-class district of Bebelhof in Braunschweig. In the following we document some of the received pictures:

We have received messages from Bochum and Essen with actions that have been carried out. In solidarity with those revolutionaries and rebels in France who now have to pay the price for their just struggle with arrests and jail, a mural and a painting were put up in these cities, which we document below:


Comrades from Tjen Folket Media report that a demonstration against the NATO top meeting and Jan Stoltenberg, the Norwegian General Secretary of NATO, took place in Oslo on May 31st. The demonstration was organised by the organisations ”Stop NATO” and ”The Peace Initiative”. Many other organisations like Rødt Oslo, Motmakt, Kampkomiteen, Internasjonal kvinneliga for fred and frihet, Fredsbevegelsen på Nesodden, Oslo SU, KPML, Oslo RU, NKP, Ungkommunistene, Antikrigsinitiativet and Kvinnefronten were also connected to the demonstration.

Last Sunday, the event for the presentation of the Red League and the International Communist League in Nuremberg took place in the cultural space Villa Leon. With special participation of comrades from Partizan, the perspective of joint work between Turkish revolutionaries in Germany and the Red League was discussed after the event and the important step taken with the creation of a nationwide activist organization was emphasized by the participants.

On May 18, at Frankfurt's Opernplatz, 80 to 100 people responded to Partizan's call for a rally to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya.


On Thursday April 13th activists from Kampkomiteen (The Struggle Committee) in Trondheim organised a manifestation in support of the Mexican People. The activists stood with a banner with the slogan ”Support the struggle of the people in Mexico!” and leaflets with the slogan ”The Interoceanic Corridor (CIIT) plunders and kills poor peasants and indigenous peoples in Mexico!” were distributed in great quantity.