For the third day in a row actions and attacks have been carried out against the cops and the symbols of occupation in the city of Derry in the night from Monday to Tuesday. The police reports of an ambush that was laid for them, but was so far unable to make any arrests.
Within the general increase in tensions in Ireland, especially in the occupied six counties (that is to say, the occupied six counties commonly referred to as “Northern Ireland”), several important anniversaries take place in these days. Not only has yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the deployment of the British Army in what came to be known as the “Battle of the Bogside”, but already prior to this, during last weekend, forces sympathetic with the occupiers held a parade through the city, with some of the participants and bands being dressed in the insignia of the parachute regiment, well known for its atrocities committed against the people of Ireland.
As a reaction to this provocation, since a couple of days there have been coordinated attacks. The bourgeoisie press reports in this regard:
“Two petrol bombs were thrown over its historic walls on Saturday night, police said. As many as 20 petrol bombs and other missiles were then thrown at officers who responded, police added. A number of pallets were also set on fire.”
Overall the cops complain about 24 thrown Molotov cocktails, the usage of six paint bombs, attacks with bottles and stones, the burning of a barricade along Fahan Street and attacks on their helicopter with laser pointers. With catholic festivities on the horizon a further increase of actions is to be expect for Thursday.