Everything has the stamp of a class, so also climate change and the so much propagated "climate protection". Both are an expression of the main contradiction on the world level, an expression of the contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nations (within the imperialist countries: contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie). This is quite clearly shown by the example of Emissions Trading.

"Emissions rights trading, emissions trading or trading in emissions allowances, is a market-based instrument for combating environmental pollution by which economic incentives are created to reduce emissions of pollutants. [...]

In an emissions trading system, a central authority distributes or sells a limited number of allowances that entitle the holder to emit a certain amount of a pollutant over a defined period of time.[2] Emitters must present allowances equal to their emissions at the end of the period. To do so, they must obtain or purchase sufficient allowances from the authority or other emitters. They can sell surplus allowances to other emitters." 1

This means that whoever can afford it can simply buy the right to destroy the environment on the stock exchange and whoever can afford to produce in a more "climate-friendly" way can sell their certificates at a profit.

In addition, it must be said that most monopoly corporations received their certificates as a gift from the EU Commission when emissions trading was introduced in 2010, and many received far more than they "needed". The German company HeidelbergCement, for example, has been given 45 million certificates more than it "needs", which corresponds to a current stock market value of around 2.7 billion euros. Only recently, the German EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed to extend the so-called "Green Deal" until 2025 and to continue issuing certificates until then2, about which especially the imperialists of the FRG should be happy. Among other things, the EU budget is to be increased in this way.3. Thus it is no surprise that the CO² emissions in many branches of the industry do not sink, but contrary even rise. The only thing that the emissions trading causes is a further monopolization of the markets, through the newly created market with the certificates, the factual effects, the further destruction of the climate and the environment have to suffer the peoples of the world.

It is the people in the oppressed nations who suffer most, the billions of poor and landless peasants who rely on their crops for their subsistence. It is those who are displaced and even murdered for the construction of wind turbines and the like to supply green electricity to imperialist countries. It is the workers in the oppressed nations who are losing their homes, property, families and lives to environmental disasters and similar. Thousands are already dying from the consequences of climate change4

and millions are displaced by rising sea levels, spreading deserts, deforestation and infertile soils. And it is also the proletariat in the imperialist countries that is further robbed by CO² taxes, rising rents due to energy renovations, driving bans, EEG apportionment and similar. Robbed in the name of the fight against climate change, by those who push climate change through their greed for profit.

Admittedly, also the bourgeoisie has meanwhile an interest in climate protection, on the one hand probably because of the public opinion and because they have noticed that an eternal continuing like this is no longer possible. But "the spending climate protection policy should not burden capital, but promote it5.“ A real climate protection that protects the livelihoods of the peoples of the world, not only those of the imperialists, would reduce their profits and is consequently against their class interest; they are only concerned with preserving their own existence as bourgeosie. The interests of the exploiters and the exploited cannot be united, and when the petty-bourgeois environmental movement claims otherwise, they make themselves the stooge of the imperialists, a tool of the oppressors against the oppressed.






