On the 9th of November an event took place in Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais for the 100th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution. The Revolutionary Front in Defence of the People’s Rights (Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo (FRDDP)) invited for this event, other organisations like the Popular Womens Movement (Movimento Feminino Popular (MFP)), the Popular Revolutionary Student Movement (Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário (MEPR)), the League of Poor Peasants (Liga dos Camponeses Pobres (LCP)), the Workersleague (Liga Operária) and the Red Unity - League of the Revolutionary Youth (Unidade Vermelha - Liga da Juventude Revolucionária (UV-LJR)) took part.

At the beginning, the International was sung, followed by a play of the hymn of the Soviet Union. The MFP held a ceremony in honour of comrade Sandra Lima and poems of Mayakovsky and Brecht were read. Several speeches were held, by the Revolutionary Front, the brazilian Association of the Lawyers of the People (Associação Brasileira dos Advogados do Povo (Abrapo)), the MEPR and the FRDDP.


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