In December 6, around 90 indigenous peoples have occupied the General-Advocacy of the Union (AGU) office in Brasilia, Federal District, capital of Brazil. They demanded the revocation of the “Time Milestone” thesis in the delimitation of indigenous areas process. Also in November 23 hundreds of indigenous peoples from 17 different peoples made a demonstration in the streets of the capital.
Occupation of the AGU, December 6 in Brasilia
Since the approval of the sentence 001/2017 by the federal management under Temer/PMDB in July 19, 2017 several demonstrations and road blocks has been made by many different peoples countrywide.
Indigenous demonstration in Brasilia, August 3
Indigenous demonstration in August 16 in Fortaleza city, in Ceara State
Roadblock on August 16 in South Mato Grosso state
According to this thesis the indigenous peoples and quilombola peoples can only demand the lands they were occupying since October 5th 1988, the date of the Federal Constitution proclamation. This thesis was developed in the judiciary to support the landlords, ignoring their historical secular actions in evicting the indigenous and quilombola peoples from the lands of the country.
This thesis is a fierce attack on the indigenous and quilombola people’s rights to land and a declaration of war against them. Since Temer got into the presidency not a single indigenous land was delimitated or homologated.
Graphic showing the number of indigenous lands that were recognised (in blue) and demilitated (in red) in the different president managements
The agrarian situation sharpens and more than ever is clear that this state can offer no alternative to the right of land to the tiller and for the indigenous and quilombola peoples. The only solution that arises is the agrarian revolution as part of the new democracy revolution to sweep away definitively the rotten landlord class of the country and crush the semifeudality, present in the root of every relation of production in the country.