On the 25th of December, Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru and convicted for genocide (by the reactionary old peruvian state!), got released by the current yankee lackey president of Peru, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. This release is no surprise and elaborated for a long time. The Communist Party of Peru wrote in their declaration on occasion of the centenary of the Great Socialist October Revolution:
"The Yankee PPK has recently met with the United Nations representative of foreign affairs issues and plans of their "Human Rights" (HR), which are nothing but the rights of the bourgeoisie and to guarantee the crimes of the old Peruvian state, he said that the UN told him to submit the genocide Fujimori to an examination of international doctors; for what? To give the pardon. They guarantee the genocides of the bureaucratic way and want to fulfil their main counter-revolutionary task of destroying the PW and the CPP."
Now this plan did not really work, because PPK got under pressure by the recent impeachment on the 15th of December, were he only survived by some members of the "Fuerza Popular" (the party of Fujimori, now led by his daughter Keiko Fujimori) not voting, including Fujimoris son Kenji. This process was possible by the results of the recent elections, who made PPK president, but left the majority of the parliament to the Fujimori party. He even mocked the peruvian people after the pardon for Fujimori by filming the convict in hospital and thanking PPK for the release. Now since PPK did not follow the plan of the UN, they had to publicly criticize his move, explaining the scheme they had in mind for the release of the mass murderer: “Granting pardons is a prerogative that demands rigorous case-by-case analysis, taking into account the severity of the deeds through a transparent and inclusive process that is in line with international human rights norms”.
The peruvian people struggled outside of this hospital, but was stopped by police before reaching it. Clashes in several locations in Lima followed. The peruvian people and its vanguard, the Communist Party of Peru, led by the all-powerful ideology of marxism-leninism-maoism and the universal contribution by chairman gonzalo, demonstrate that they will overcome the bent in the road of the People's War and smash the old peruvian state.