We publish an unooficial english translation of the next editorial on A Nova Democracia Newspaper that analyses how the working class is reacting to the electoral sham that is currently taking place in the country.


Forty million Brazilians said no to the electoral sham, most by not participating and others by null and white vote. Surely the number is even greater, millions of young people aged from 16 to 18 who refuse to sign up to vote, apart from the persistent abstentionists from past elections who are already crossed out of voters' register.

This was the biggest evidence of the recent times, not only of the dissatisfaction, but also, much more than that, of the decision of about 20% to not vote and radically refusing to legitimize the sham, which from deception to deception is drowning Brazil.

The blow sounded so badly that the analysts of the institutes and the media, "political scientists" (scribes de facto), had to look for fake reasons to explain such rejection. It turns out that, in addition, one have to take into account the fact that, in addition to those who made this great decision, the majority of votes in Bolsonaro were also a shouting cry of protest against everything established there.

Tired of everything, forced to vote and seeing no way out other than the elections, a large part of the Bolsonaro voters, induced or not by religious and similar sects, saw in this the way to blow everything up. They voted for him, thinking he would get revenge on the political bunch.

Bolsonaro was an illustrious stranger until then for the vast majority of those who voted for him. In his last 28 years (seven terms of federal deputy), half of his life he lived at the expense of the sweat of the masses, voting against the rights of the people, raging against communist ghosts, defending torturers, murderers and war criminals, gaining volumous salaries, accomodated on thousand privileges and indecent perks that is the loitering of the members of the National Congress. This is his career: extreme right-wing, retired army captain, mediocre military man, and federal deputy stuntman. But the part of the people who thinks they have no other form of political action but by voting for someone who looks less worse, saw in their hard discourse the rejection of everything there.

A visit to the History of Brazil will show that the bravado of Janio Quadros, the "broom man is coming ..." and Collor de Mello, the "hunter of Maharajas", combine with those of Bolsonaro, and his "against everything that is there". What did the bravado of those saviors of the homeland Jânio and Collor resulted on? In even larger crises and more whips on the back of the people.

On the contrary to the conclusion of the rotten Rede Globo and the whining of the opportunist electoral false "left", that the masses has gone to the right, in the end these elections will confirm to the 40 million who reject it and will make clear to those who are still deluded with it that the most legitimate rights and interests of our people and the independence and progress of our homeland can never be achieved through this electoral farce.

Because whoever is in the shift governments of this old and genocidal state of big landlords and big bourgeois, lackeys of imperialism, principally Yankee, this old order of exploitation, oppression and injustice over the people and subjugation of the homeland will remain intact. It will remain sunk in the chronic crisis of its backward bureaucratic capitalism determined by the semicolonial and semifeudal condition of the country. This old state and its shift governments are only the machine of repression and extortion over the people. They brutally suppress demonstrations of the people for the most elementary demands and deal through iron, fire and blood with their attempts to overthrow this unjust order. They collect the taxes that are paid by the people and hold most of it for the minority of great bourgeois, landlords and foreign corporations, as well as to support the parasitic bureaucracy of the three powers of the republic, with minimum earnings of 30 thousand reais a month. They pay exorbitant interest to the banks, finance big businessmen and multinationals. They sell the country and its wealth for few pennies. But as for the real producers of all wealth - the city and country workers - on the contrary, they do throw people into the remnants of the precarious and increasingly expensive health, education, transportation, light, water and sewer public services.

Só a revolução democrática poderá pôr fim a tanta exploração, opressão, injustiças e corrupção. Pois só a revolução democrática terá a força para destruir toda esta maquinaria burocrática que vive para extorquir e reprimir o povo, arrasando com toda a reação que tentará desesperadamente salvar sua velha e carcomida ordem. Mas esta grandiosa e libertadora façanha não se poderá lograr da noite para o dia, demandará uma luta prolongada. Assim como o povo só pode se organizar na revolução, parte por parte, da mesma forma irá destruir todo o sistema de exploração e opressão, parte por parte, e criará passo a passo a República Democrática Popular do Brasil Novo.

Only the democratic revolution can put an end to so much exploitation, oppression, injustice and corruption. For only the democratic revolution will have the strength to destroy all this bureaucratic machinery that lives to extort and repress the people, crushing all the reaction that will try desperately to save its old and rotten order. But this great and liberating feat can not be achieved overnight, it will require a protracted struggle. Just as the people can only organize themselves part by part into revolution, in the same way it will destroy the whole system of exploitation and oppression, part by part, and create step by step the People's Democratic Republic of New Brazil.

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