Six days ago, Francisco Rafael Sagasti was sworn in as the new president of Peru, after previous president Manuel Merino resigned with only five days in office. He is the third president to govern Peru this month (ex-president Vizcarra was impeached November 9). All three of these (former) presidents have in common, that none of them was elected in accordance with the parliamentary system in Peru, where the president is voted for directly, but were merely appointed.

three presidents

Protest after death of two students

In the past 35 years, all presidents have been the target of investigations and trials with one half ending up in prison and other fleeing the country - with the exception of Alan García who shot himself when he was served an arrest warrant. The situation clearly depicts the deep political crisis of the rotten Peruvian state. Now president Sagasti went to university in the US and has previously worked for the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.

Carrefour 2

Protesters torch car of the Brigada Militar

Thousands of people came together on November 20 in various cities in Brazil to protest the brutal killing of a black men by two security guards (one of them a temporary member of the military police) inside the premises of a Carrefou supermarket. Forty-year-old João Alberto Silveira Freitas, who was disabled after an injury at his former work place at the airport, was beaten to death in the night of November 19 for allegedly assaulting an employee.

Carrefour 1

Carrefou burning

This murder sparked an immediate outrage. Protesters the next day marched to the Carrefou in question and despite attacks by the Military Brigade forced their way inside and laid fires not only in the shop but also torched a car of the Military Brigade. Further demonstrations took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and Belo Horizonte. In the city of São Paulo about 600 people, outraged by the situation, threw stones at a Carrefour, took over the place, confiscated goods and set fire to the interior.

Last Thursday, hundreds of workers in the health sector went to the streets of Quito, Ecuador, following the call of OSUNTRAMSA, the National Syndicate of Worker in the Healthcare. The health system in the country was not capable of providing adequate healthcare even prior to the current pandemic, as situation, which was further worsened with the developments last year. In 2019, the old Ecuadorian state directed a mayor wave of layoffs in which thousands of doctors, nurses and other personnel in the health sector were fired despite massive protests (DVDs 2019 report).


Manifestation in Quito

With participants from Guayas, Esmeraldas, Napo, Carchi, Azuay, Cotopaxi, Manabí as well as other parts of the country participating in the protest the regime was forced to admit a delegation of the protesters and give guarantees to not only not continue to lay off any more workers, but to reemploy 3.000 of those laid off last year.