The moves of the Armed Forces (FF.AA.) toward the step-by-step execution of a preventative counterrevolutionary military coup goes into many directions, but with the same goal.

On the one hand, they contribute to the militarization of South America, supporting the machinations and threats of the USA to the integrity of Venezuela. A concrete example was the undertaking of a war training operation in the Amazon jungle (Amazonlog) with the participation of Brazil, Peru, Colombia and USA and more “guests”, in November of last year.

Based on the number of participants – Brazil with more than 1,500 and USA with only 30 – one must assume that the 30 Yankees would be military instructors who would prepare the Brazilians for a reception logistics for the Venezuelan migrants in Brazilian soil.

Continuing on the topic of the militarization of the region, the transfer of the Alcântara base, a coveted area by the Yankees, to the USA is again on the agenda, and, if concretized, will become a true Yankee military enclave in the state of Maranhão.

On the other hand, there is an even more deplorable fact, even to the standards of the old democracy, however, nothing strange in a parody of republic: a General submitting the would-be candidates for management of the old state to a review. Most of all, the Army Commander’s attitude of “inviting” such candidates to a conversation can no more than sound like a true ideological, political, and military framework for the candidates.

Such an aberrant scenario is another manifestation of the extent and depth of the crisis of decomposition of the political system and the process, step by step, of the counterrevolutionary military coup to prevent the inevitable people’s uprising. The economic contingencies, imposed by the maintenance of the system of exploitation and oppression, are no longer sufficient; the servile liturgy of pleads to defend the old order is made necessary. That is, subjection to the statute of national subjugation, guaranteeing the privileges of the market (banks) and transnationals, especially mining and oil companies, sealing a commitment not to change the social security benefits of the military and, finally, pledging to carry forward the reactionary war against the people, especially the poor and black people of the favelas and in the countryside. It means to continue with the murderous “public safety” policy that causes the deaths of 63,000 people a year, more than in any ongoing war in the world today, and to pile the young survivors into medieval dungeons.

This procedure is part of the “first stage” of the coup, as an initiative of the Armed Forces and the US Embassy to stabilize the old order, by the enthronement of generals at government command posts, inducing the idea of giving cleaning up the corrupt old institutions with an ethical and moral “bath” while trying to recover the economy. If this fails, it is sure to go into the “second stage” of concentration and centralization of all power, in an attempt to save the rotten state.

But all will be in vain, since the overthrow of this old order is a historical necessity of a country in which the reaction – by iron, blood and fire – has prevented all the attempts to advance the democratic revolution until the present and which carries the saga of the nation on its back, a pile of feudal, slave, colonial skeletons huddled together in this secular system of exploitation and endless oppression.

A political crisis, whose panacea is sought in an election made up of a fascist-coupist list and others, who are hooked in bayonets, is the naked demonstration of the irreversible decay of this semicolonial and semifeudal old order and its regime of bureaucratic capitalism.

The Revolution of New Democracy will come, because it is an objective, imprescriptible and pending demand of our history, once the subjective conditions of its realization are increasingly shown by the masses, who are increasingly assuming them and preparing, more and more, with their uprisings, forging the force that will lead them. And any measures to prevent this great birth are the rattles of the most anachronistic reaction that will only stir up the Brazilian people’s urge for change.