
Yesterday, an annually organized activity from ADHK in support of the political prisoners took place in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim. Different speeches, partially transmitted live from Turkey – where on this day a manifestation took place in Istanbul in regards to the very same topic –  reported on the miserable conditions of confinement, the overcrowded prisons and repression against the democratic movements and the mass struggles. Furthermore, there was a broad cultural program with various musical contributions by different artists.

The comrades of the editorial staff of Rote Post have informed us that for 1st of May the new issue No. 39 will appear for the first time with a new design, and have sent us a picture of the front page, so that the inclined readers will not be irritated and will recognise Rote Post on this day, despite the numerous actions taking place all over the FRG.

The "Union of migrant workers in Europe - Avrupa Göçmen Emekçiler Birliği (AGEB)" has this week published the following declaration in solidarity with the struggle of the LCP, that we hence mirror:

Let’s Enlarge International Solidarity with the Resistance and Struggles of the Revolutionary Peasants Led by the “Poor Peasants Union” (LCP) in Brazil

The imperialist-capitalist system continues its brutal attacks against all the world’s oppressed peoples in every sphere of life to ensure the continuity of its ruthless exploitation and to survive. Workers in factories, poor peasants in the fields are crushed in a brutal wheel of exploitation. While the ruling classes live in wealth and luxury with the usurped labor, billions of workers and laborers suffer in poverty. In semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries, this exploitation and aggression are experienced at the most advanced levels. The workers of these countries are under the pressure of the insatiable profit ambitions of both the imperialists and the servant ruling classes. All underground and aboveground sources of these countries are plundered.

Their ecological structure is destroyed, and the people are faced with the official and paramilitary aggression of the state and intense pressure and exploitation. In the last period, the brutal attack against the peasants in Brazil by the law-enforcement forces of the sovereign state, which has been in the service of the bourgeois-feudal classes, is one of them. In a country with vast geography like Brazil, the peasant masses are mainly landless. They live in hunger, poverty, and misery. When the landless peasant masses take action against oppression and exploitation imposed by the bourgeois-feudal classes, they face paramilitary forces organized by soldiers, police, and big landowners coded to kill and destroy. The Brazilian fascist-reactionary state launched an offensive campaign to protect the interests of the big landowners, known as the “Hacienda”, against the revolutionary peasant movement, which resists and struggles to have sufficient land for minimum living conditions.

The Brazilian reactionary-fascist state and the big landowners’ mercenaries have recently icreased their attacks against the LCP (Poor Peasant Association), which has a long tradition of resistance and struggle in the state of Rondonia in the Amazon region. Villagers, including children, were injured in these attacks. There are even mentions of murdered villagers. The attack and siege against the landless peasants continue.

Against the oppression and massacre preparations of the reactionary forces, which have even prevented medical transportation of the revolutionary peasant movement’s members during the Covid-19 epidemic; as AGEB, we call on all anti-imperialist revolutionary and democratic forces to solidarity with the revolutionary peasant movement and to participate in the protests against the repression of the Brazilian state!

Those Who Resist and Struggle Will Win!

The Revolutionary Resistance and Revolt of the Landless Poor Peasants are Legitimate, Right!

Enlarge International Solidarity with the Resistance and Struggle of the Landless Peasants in Brazil!

All the Workers and Oppressed Peoples of the World Unite! 

Union of migrant workers in Europe

20 April 2021

We are pleased to announce a new website - the official internet platform of the TKP/ML where the documents of the central publication archives already have been integrated and where documents of the TKP/ML, TIKKO and TMLGB will be published in the future.

In 21 cities across Europe commemorative festivities are to be held in honor of the two most recent martyrs in the People’s War in Turkey, Central Committee Member Nubar and Unit Commander Rosa. After the reactionary Turkish state laid siege with drones, helicopters, airplanes and a thousand soldiers to the area of their presumed whereabouts for three days, deploying also chemical weapons, their death was announced on September 9th.

In Freiburg about 15 people participated in a talk on the revolutionary movement in Peru on occasion of the 28th anniversary of the speech of Chairman Gonzalo as part of the Café Popular. Afterwards a very vivid and comradely discussion developed about the necessity to further study Maoism. Of particular interest is the participation of different comrades from Luxembourg. For the event posters were put up in order to mobilize. Additionally a small painting was made on occasion of September 24th.

Yesterday in the early afternoon, the 7th Criminal Division of the Munich Higher Regional Court announced its verdict in the TKP / ML trial. The ten defendants were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 2 years to 9 months to 6 years and 6 months. Against the farce of this process and its final verdict, hundreds of rally participants took part in yesterday's protests in Munich.

Henceforth we document the unofficial translation of a statement issued by the Front for the Defense of the Struggles of the People of Ecuador the day before yesterday: