
After the murder of an eleven-year-old child in the neighborhood of Ulisses Guimarães, in Vila Velha in the federal state of Espírito Santo  by the military police, there were protests and fights by the residents of the neighborhood.

Regarding the socalled Coronacrisis chilenian and colombian Comrades have published important documents:

We publish a picture that was sent to us.

We publish a picture that was sent to us.

We publish an unofficial and preliminary translation of a declaration by the Communist Party of Ecuador - Sol Rojo.

After the demolition of more than 130 homes and stores in Operation “Zero Tolerance” by reactionary mayor Marcelo Crivella, on March 10, in the Rio das Pedras community,  Paramilitaries began to sell the property of the displaced people.

We publish an inofficial an preliminary translation of a declaration of the Popular Women's Movement of Ecuador: