
We publish an inofficial an preliminary translation of a declaration of the Popular Women's Movement of Ecuador:

The residents of the community of Rio das Pradas, in the West of Rio de Janeiro fought against the demolition of their houses and shops.

On Wednesday. March 04, several National Police patrols were ambushed in the area of Apurimac and Mantaro Rivers, in the province of Ayachuco, in Peru.

We publish an unofficial, approximate, preliminary translation of an article by comrades from Mexico.

On February 14, there were determined fights against the state and patriarchy during a demonstration against feminicide in Mexico City, .

The catalyst was the murder of the young woman Diana Velazquez Florencio by her boyfriend, through the brutality of this act she attained symbolic character and stands exemplarily for the development in Mexico, the rate of murders of women has more than doubled in the last years. In 2019 more than 4000 murders of women were registered.

Bildergebnis für mexico women clashes.

Revolutionary women gathered outside the National Palace, sprayed the walls with slogans and tried to set fire to doors. The Undersecretary of the Government of Mexico City, Arturo Medina, tried to calm the masses and was also sprayed with paint and got attacked.

Later, hundreds of women gathered at the so-called "Antimonumenta", a monument erected by activists on the site where Diana Velazquez Florencio was murdered. From there they moved towards a large newspaper publisher, this and others had exploited the murder for their cheap headlines. On the way, a press vehicle was attacked and set on fire. The police used tear gas to force the protesters back.

From there they moved on towards the monument "El Ángel de la Independencia". On the way a bus station was stormed and the public transport was paralyzed. Several company buildings on the main street "Paseo de la Reforma" were also attacked. Near "El Ángel de la Independencia" there was renewed fighting against the police as demonstrators began to tear down barricades previously set up by the security forces.

But patriarchy is not a phenomenon of the oppressed nations, it is an integral and necessary part of the capitalist economy. In the imperialist countries, patriarchy is only better hidden. The struggle against patriarchy means struggle against imperialism, means people's war.


For months the Chilean people have been combating the old state tirelessly. On Monday there were big mass fights in Santiago again. Meanwhile the state intensifies the terror against the people.


Henceforth we document the (unofficial) translation of a recently issued declaration of the Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun:




If we do not crush imperialism, if we do not destroy the old state machinery in our countries, if we do not annihilate revisionism and opportunism, we will have done nothing


The Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun greets the international proletariat, the oppressed peoples and nations of the world by commemorating the 102nd Anniversary of the Socialist October Revolution in Russia and the 70th Anniversary of the New Democratic Revolution in China, and struggles for that this celebration contributes to the unity of principles of the international proletariat based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the contributions of global validity of Gonzalo Thought to the MLM and emphasizes that such unity can only be sustained by the measure of crushing revisionism and opportunism.

We communists of Ecuador, the conscious element of the class, the poor peasants and other exploited masses, oppressed but rebellious in the country, celebrate these two milestones of the international proletariat in the midst of a bloody, determined and victorious struggle against the treacherous intervention of the Yankee imperialism who, using the International Monetary Fund and the puppet government of Moreno, imposes a package of economic measures that, in addition to discharging the government's fiscal deficit in the people’s economy, intends to refloat the bureaucratic capitalism that undergoes one of its most important crises of the present century.

The response of the masses has been overwhelming. Under the slogan IT IS RIGHT TO REBEL! they have unleashed an important day of struggle against the regime of Lenin Moreno, demonstrating that it has been possible to break this level of corporatization to which they were subjected by the fascist regime of Rafael Correa in alliance with the most putrid revisionism and opportunism that the history of country has known.


There are two roads at this time that are in tension with one another: the bureaucratic road that goes through its bankruptcy and that tries to establish itself by constitutional means; and the other, the democratic path that is expressed in the struggle, the rebellion, which is cementing the subjective conditions to unleash the great workers-peasant storm of People's War for the New Democracy.


The greater the crisis of bureaucratic capitalism, the greater the repressive response that is exerted by the reaction against the class and the people. The regime believed that decreeing the state of emergency or the "curfew" could neutralize the growing people’s protest. It did not achieve this. Today it unleashes a tenacious military campaign against the people using all his military contingent and a clearly Zionist, fascist operation strategy.

We have had casualties, either as injured or as prisoners. These casualties have been repeated throughout the country, including claiming the lives of children of the people who have given their valuable blood for the just cause of the people; but to the enemy, casualties have also been caused, dozens of repressors have been injured, hundreds captured and held. Humiliating defeats such as the capture of officers and members of the troops, the destruction of military parks, vehicles, armored vehicles, patrol cars, motorcycles, police stations have been pressed upon the police and armed forces and, furthermore, physical control over National Assembly has been lost.


The big bourgeoisie and the big landowners are also debated in two scenarios: the collusion and the struggle. Today they struggle, and the bureaucratic expressions represented politically by Correism try to present themselves as the vanguard of this great day of struggle to settle their contradictions with the comprador bourgeoisie. The comprador bourgeoisie, on the other hand, is strengthened by the government's turn to its ranks, interworking with the old church that collaborates directly with the repressive apparatus; The bourgeois press that has played a strategic role in this offensive, have dusted off their rancid racist, discriminatory debates and given way to reissue a confrontation between "whites" and "indios", expressions of something that goes beyond semi-coloniality in order to be nested in colonial manifestations. These are vain intentions, because the agenda of the class and the people is clear and defined: repealing of economic measures, the non-realization of any change to the Labor Code and the immediate dismissal of this hungering regime.

However, opportunism continues to act, continues to move between the blood of the people and its aspirations to govern. The figure of the opportunists, Yaku Pérez, the prefect of Azuay, is already decided, who fishing in a muddled river and enchanted with the dreams of a skinny dog, wants to present himself as the call that leads the people’s rebellion, by stating the necessity for a government of popular consensus.


Although it is true that the CPE-RS has played a leading role with the masses in this day of struggle, we are clear that this worker-peasant uprising must be located within the context of the crisis that bureaucratic capitalism is undergoing and the over-boiling of the tired masses of so much abuse and repression; that it is a conjunctural exercise and that it will not become a struggle for power as the structure of the old state still remains intact, however, it is to be considered that all this experience is paid to create the conditions to prepare the initiation of the People’s War in Ecuador, but not before having also analyzed and considered the rich experiences left by the Paris Commune and other struggles of the international proletariat.


Today, more than ever, the facts support what we have been maintaining, which is the importance of imprinting the correct ideological and political leadership to the struggles of the people. The proletariat and its ideology as a fundamental force, leading; the peasantry, as the principal force. And, once again, the thesis that the path of the revolution in Ecuador will not be the one of the insurrection or the political strike, but that of encircling the cities from the countryside is proven.


Today, more than ever, the facts, conditions and characteristics that this worker-peasant uprising has taken reaffirms us in the approach and necessatiy that the People's War is the path. That there is nothing else that can grant Power to the proletariat and its strategic ally, the poor peasantry, which fights violently, on the ruins of the old state.


With these two antecedents, the commemoration of the triumph of the revolution in Russia and China and the rebellion of the Ecuadorian people, the Communist Party of Ecuador - Red Sun reaffirms its firm and unyielding decision to hold high, apply and defend MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM GONZALO THOUGHT, above all, GONZALO THOUGHT, to the extent that although it is true it is born within the peculiarities of the People's War in Peru, our societies have many elements of identity that make its application to our reality valid; to continue to build the subjective conditions to unleash the People's War in the country serving the Great Proletarian World Revolution; that said decision correspond to the objective reality of the country that clearly characterized as semi-feudal and semi-colonial; that the line of construction of the three instruments for the revolution, with concentric and simultaneous construction, is fitting to what Chairman Gonzalo taught us; that said construction can only occur in our country in the midst of the application and development of revolutionary violence as a specific particularity; in permanent struggle against imperialism of all shades, the dictatorship of big bourgeois and big landowners, the destruction of bureaucratic capitalism and its old state and the relentless fight against revisionism and any expression of opportunism.




It has come to our attention that the comrades from La victoria de los oprimidos y explotados undertook the internationalist effort of translating the article “Ongoing riots of the masses in Ecuador – State of Emergency declared” that was published on Dem Volke Dienen Monday the 7th October. We salute the work the comrades have made and have published the article in full in the Spanish section of this website.

Henceforth we mirror their translation also in this place: