In the last week, a law was decided in Saarland, which is supposed to promote stronger participation of children and youths in political decisions. In the end, this "participation" is only a participation in the sense of the bourgeoisie.

The law is the so -called "Youth Participation Act". It was decided with the votes of the SPD and CDU and should apply to the entire federal state. Several measures are set in the law. The central aspect is that the increased political participation of young people should take place through a newly created platform. This platform is a so -called participation-forum, which is to be carried out one time in two years. In addition, political decisions are to be more checked on what effects they have on children and youths. There are regulations that determine the political participation of young people both at the state level and at the municipal level. How exactly children and youths should be participate in the future is a matter of the municipalities. To implement the newly "youth participation", a service point that advise and support the municipalities should be set up.

The now newly created "participation" is obviously nothing more than a smoke bomb. The centrally propagated participation forum is only a platform for the general debate and has no political authority. Basically nothing else than the larger version of a class speaker meeting at school. Apart from the fact, that a forum that only takes place every two years can not have a major impact on politics anyway. So what should be created here is, in line with the bourgeois democracy, not a real participation, but rather the illusion of a political participation.

So children and youths should get the idea, that theyr voice getting heard in this system. But it is also about politicizing parts of the youth in the sense of the bourgeoisie. From the understanding that this state was supposedly "their state", young people should deal with the politics of the bourgeoisie and make a stand on the side of a wing of the ruling class. But what is much more important is that they should stand on the side of this system.

Such a law is decided for a reason in a federal state like the Saarland. In the different parts of the FRG there are many regions, in which the living conditions of the population differ significantly. Even if there are in all federal states measures to politicizing the youth, it is no coincidence that such measures are, especially decided in federal states with higher living standards. In the places where the proletariat is in a large scale, there are correspondingly many people who have often felt the oppression by this system and accordingly no longer have any trust in this state. On the other hand, places like the Saarland, where There are less poverty, better maintaining the idea of ​​the petty -bourgeois "nice heal world". There are also places within the FRG that can be described as the "hinterland" of the bourgeoisie, and with such actions, the German bourgeoisie tries actively to keep this hinterland. The rulers want to win trust in their system, but the further the crisis of imperialism develops, the more obvious the true character of this rotten dying system becomes.



Picture: Debate in the goverment of the federal state

Picture source: saarbrü