Last Sunday, the second Palestine Culture Day of the Open Palestine Meeting took place in Bochum. With lively discussion and a good atmosphere, more than 80 participants spent an afternoon full of joint presentations, good food and cultural contributions. Activists of the Red League have organized an information table together with activists of the Revolutionary Youth League.

The activity was introduced with a short presentation by activists from "Students for Palestine" from Münster, who addressed the question of settler colonialism. The contribution was followed by a presentation from the Open Palestine Meeting in Bochum, in which a retrospective of the work of the OPT was presented, the breadth of the national and international solidarity movement with the people of Palestine was outlined, and the perspectives of anti-imperialist work in the FRG and the world were discussed.
In addition to these lectures, there were also spontaneous contributions by activists from the Committee against the Ban of PSDU and a friend from Palestine, who found clear words about the importance and relevance of international solidarity work for the morale of the people affected by the genocide in Palestine. The day was ended with a performance by the musician tenor.