According to an upcoming sharpening of the law, it will be juristicial able to deport people without a German passport even more easily in future. The so-called "approval of terrorism" will be sufficient grounds for deportation. This approval includes comments or likes on social media.


This proposal was initiated by Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser. Last week, the corresponding draft law was passed by the coalition cabinet. Faeser said that the aim was to "crack down on Islamist and anti-Semitic hate crime online" and that, in addition to political repression on the streets, there must also be "tougher instruments under immigration law". According to her, anyone who does not hold a German passport and glorifies so-called "terrorist acts" should be "expelled and deported wherever its possible".


The question of what this glorification looks like is quite broad. For example, the Ministry of the Interior write about individual likes and comments on social media as an example of the legitimization of "terrorism", which is then supposed to justify deportation. The Ministry of the Interior's press release also made it very clear that no criminal conviction by a court is required in order to be deported on this basis.

In effect, this means the abolition of the so called freedom of speech for people without a German passport. All people without German citizenship now have to think very carefully about what they do in the Internet. Anyone who has ever dealt with the immigration authorities knows how arbitrarily they suddenly remove people from their lives out of nowhere and deport them. With the change in the law, there is now another tool to further intensify the arbitrariness against migrants. In particular to exercise more targeted political repression against opposing migrants. Obviously, the draft law is directed against all those who publicly express their solidarity with liberation struggles. The Ministry of the Interior also justified this tightening of the law by upholding the actions of the Palestinian resistance on October 7th.

Ultimately, the move by the Interior Ministry led by Nancy Faeser is part of two ongoing developments that we can currently see. On the one hand, we can see that the rights of refugees and migrants are increasingly being attacked by the German bourgeoisie. The right to flee, which according to the bourgeois definition is a fundamental right, is being more and more abolished in the FRG. Politicians such as the gangster Chancellor Scholz stand before the public and proclaim loudly that large-scale deportations must finally be resumed. Forced labor for refugees has even been introduced in order to exploit already oppressed migrants even more. In addition to the increased attacks on migrant sections of the working class, we are also seeing an increase in repression against resistant political movements on the streets. Be it bans on demonstrations, house searches or long prison sentences. Particularly affected are organizations and people who take an anti-imperialist stand at the side of the Palestinian resistance.

The imperialists are becoming more and more reactionary everywhere and they try to oppress the working class and the peoples of the world even harder. But the fact that the repression of the rulers is increasing, however, does not change the fact that this system is a dying system that will be swept away by the peoples of the world.



Picture: Interior Minister Nancy Faeser at a press conference.
