
Activists from Kampkomiteen (The Struggle Committee) has put up posters and distributed leaflets for May 1st in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Kristiansand.


On April 28th leaflets were distributed by the Struggle Committee for May 1st which will take place 10:30 on Grønlands torg.

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Posters were put up to mobilise for May 1st all around the city. The day will be marked at 13:00 on Biblioteksplassen.

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Posters mobilising for a May 1st demonstration in solidarity with the struggle of the Mexican and Brazilian poor peasants were put up in Trondheim. The demonstration will take place on May 1st 12:00 on top of the Nordre gate.

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Activists have put up posters in the city center and in proletarian neighbourhoods in the municipality of Vennesla just outside of Kristiansand. On the poster it says ”Out on the streets May 1st – Down with Russia’s war of aggression! Struggle against economic crisis! Down with the US-imperialism!”. On others it reads ”Stop the terror against the people in Mexico! Stop the terror against the poor peasants in Brazil! – Long live live Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo! Long live Liga dos Camponeses Probres!”.

The posters mobilise for a markation on May 1st at 11:30 at Arbeideren.

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Comrades from Punalippu reports: In Helsinki, posters have been put up in solidarity the poor peasants and indigenous peoples, of Mexico who fight against the Interoceanic Corridor (CIIT) and other imperialist megaprojects. The poster reads: ’The Interoceanic Corridor plunders and kills peasants and indigenous peoples in Mexico!’ and ’Solidarity with the poor peasants and indigenous peoples of Mexico!’”

Read the full report here.

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In Tampere an action was carried out in solidarity with poor peasants in Mexico who struggle against the imperialist mega-project of the Interocenic Corridor (CIIT).

Activists stood with a banner which read in Spanish ”The Interoceanic Corridor plunders and murders poor peasants and indigenous peoples in Mexico!”.

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Socialist Revolution reports that a banner mobilising for the 1st of May was dropped off a train bridge on Nørrebro train station in Copenhagen. The banner had the slogans ”Out on the streets on May 1st!”, ”Long live the International Communist League – ICL!” in Danish. It also had the logo of the ICL.

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