In Bangladesh, there have been large student protests over the past week, with intense fighting between demonstrators and the armed formations of the state. The reaction reacted with the bloody suppression of the protests and used the military against them.

The protests took place around the beginning of last week and developed into increasingly intense struggles in the course of them. Participants in the protests reported that they were attacked by the police and unofficial armed thugs of the government from the very beginning. The students were not intimidated by this and fight back, whereupon the rulers made a massacre against the protesters. In the coming days. Around 150 people have died in the course of the protests. Most of them are demonstrators who were murdered by the police or the military, but a few police officers have also been killed by the resistance of the masses. The number of those arrested is over 2,500 abducted.


The people fight back. Source:

The most intense clashs took place between Thursday and Saturday, with the most deaths on Friday. While in the beginning the police mainly used riot sticks, tear gas and rubber bullets against the demonstrators, they began to shoot into crowds with live ammunition more and more regularly over the course of the week. The excesses of the police even went so far that they repeatedly requested new ammunition because they had fired everything they had at the demonstrators.

When it became clear that the protests could not simply be opressed, further means were used. A complete curfew was imposed. On Thursday, the Internet was shut down nationwide to prevent people from coordinating about it. Since the protests still could not be slowed down, the military was deployed on Friday. The rulers also tried to slow down the people with unofficial activities. There are reports that some important activists have been kidnapped. For example, the student leader Nahid Islam, who was kidnapped from his father's house at night and disappeared for twenty-four hours. He said that during this period, he was taken to an unknown location, where he was interrogated and tortured. So far, there are students which was  disappear and a number of unexplained deaths.


Military blocked the street. Source:

The reason for the start of the protests was the introduction of a new regulation regarding the quotas for awarding a government job. As is generally known, the masses in Bangladesh live for the most part in deep poverty. For those who have managed to get a place at university and who complete it, the only great hope to get out of poverty is to get an official job where they are employed by the government. Now, at the end of last month, there was the aforementioned new regulation, which was originally abolished in 2018 and has now been decided again by the country's Supreme Court. According to this, there is now a quota of 56 percent of vacancies, which were only allowed to be given to veterans and related former fighters of the war of independence against Pakistan. This is mainly due to the fact that the currently ruling Awami Party played a leading role in the War of Independence at the time and therefore quite a few of its members and supporters have veterans in their families or some of them have fought in the War of Independence themselves.

The ruling Awami Party are the lackeys who are currently leading the way in managing the sell-out of the country to the imperialists and who benefit most from it. But there are also other people who would like to take on the role of the Awami Party themselves. The main force of the opposition in this case is the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Of course, they also saw the protests as an opportunity to campaign themself by participating in the protests and condemning the government's repression of students. Even if they naturally tried to take advantage of the struggles, these are nevertheless justified fights of the people, which are also directed against much more than just the job quota. They are directed against all the poverty that the masses suffer day after day, and accordingly revolutionary organizations such as the Revolutionary Student Youth Movement (RS-JB) have taken their place in these struggles.


A state-building was set on fire. Source:


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