
Last weekend, the federal party conference of the Green Party took place in Bonn. Just how far the party has strayed from its most basic promises becomes clear when one looks at the bourgeois reporting. For example, ZDF asks the question "Where have the Greens gone?".

Several times, demonstrations against the gas levy and inflation have been held by revolutionaries and masses in the proletarian district of Altendorf in Essen. The gas levy has been overturned in the meantime, but with the new proposal of the federal government, the parts of the population that can most easily afford the crisis will benefit first. Meanwhile, the deepest and broadest masses are pacified with minimal payments in an attempt to keep them quiet, even though this does not even ensure their current living conditions. Oil consumers have been completely left out of the government financing question, even though they are similarly affected in terms of heating costs as gas users within the capitalist system.

In the last state election in Lower Saxony on Sunday, the 9th of October, the SPD emerged as the winner, if the bourgeois media have their way, even as the "clear winner".

The state of Berlin boasts that it is the first state in Germany to offer free daycare places. The alleged aim is to prevent children from being segregated according to their parents' income.

On 06 and 07 October 2022, different organisations carried out different actions in the framework of the international month of action for the immediate release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. For example, the Bündnis gegen imperialistische Aggression (BgiA) from Hamburg organised a manifestation together with Samidoun on Hamburg's Steindamm, a street where there are many Arab and Turkish shops.

On October 3rd, a few dozen people came to the train station Feldstraße in Hamburg after an alliance called it out. They went after warmongering and militarization in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The 3rd of October marks the so called „Day of German Unity“ (Tag der Deutschen Einheit). Its a holiday in Germany, but it marks the annection of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Which describes the wish of German imperialism to return to old strengths.

On Saturday 24 September, the Alliance Against Imperialist Aggression has called for a manifestation in front of the Peruvian consulate in Hamburg. This day marks the date when Chairman Gonzalo gave his speech in 1992, when he was presented to the world press in a cage after his imprisonment. Instead of bowing down, he used this opportunity to speak to his party and the Peruvian people. This is the first anniversary of the speech after the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo by the reaction, in cooperation with the traitors of the People's War in Peru.

On the anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's prison speech of 24.09.1992, a short spontaneous manifestation was held in Berlin Wedding and leaflets were distributed.