
Documentamos un video con una declaración de los Comités de Mujeres Rojas - FRG con una declaración de solidaridad para la Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo - México. El texto de la declaración se puede encontrar aquí.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!


We have received the message of the assassination of our comrade Jesús Manuel García Martínez "Chu Pau" in Mexico. We want to take this opportunity to condemn the genocidal politics of the Old Mexican State, its Armed and Police Forces, the para-military organizations and the drug barons who are nothing more than their reactionary complement, with the cynical and demagogic Andrés Manuel López Obrador at its head who, hence, is the main political responsible for the savage and barbaric war against the people of Mexico. The MORENA regime is truly a lackey of Yankee-imperialism.

In recent weeks, there has been repeated discussion of actions by the "Last Generation." They use actions of civil disobedience to appeal to politicians to take care of the fulfillment of the climate goals.

At the beginning of September, the traffic light coalition put together its “third relief package”. After students had largely came away empty-handed during the first two “relief packages” – up until now you only received a heating allowance if you receive BAföG [Federal Training Assistance Act] – there was massive criticism of the government for months. Accordingly, the government announced with the “third relief package” its major effort to support students. But there is not much to it: there is to be a one-off payment of 200 euros, and for many students this will presumably not come until next year. In addition, how students will receive this money at all has in part not been clarified yet. There is a BAföG raise planned for the coming year regardless of the rescue packages, which is intended to be 5%, but in view of the current inflation it of course is a joke. Thus, it is of not much surprise that according to current studies approx. 30% of all students in the FRG are affected by poverty.

Since April this year, the old Turkish state has undertaken an invasion of the border areas of Northern Iraq. Since the invasion in April 2022, according to information published by Kurdish activists, there has been increased and intensive use of chemical weapons. Between April and October of this year alone, banned bombs and chemical weapons are said to have been used 2467 times. Among them, according to Kurdish sources, weapons-grade chlorine gas as well as aerosol and phosphorus bombs are said to have been fired at Kurdish positions.

In Mülheim an der Ruhr a painting in honor of the two fallen Mexican comrades Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Filogonio Martínez Merino has appeared, which we want to document here.

Currently there is a wave of strikes in different parts of the FRG. The main reason for this is the demand for higher wages. The high inflation, which eats up our wages and ensures that many of us can no longer afford to eat at the end of the month, makes the fight for higher wages a necessity for many workers.

A painting was made at the University of Hamburg with the slogans "Justicia para Jesús Manuel García Martínez y Filogonio Martínez Merino!" and "Viva el Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo!" ("Justice for Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Filogonio Martínez Merino! Long live the popular current Sol Rojo!"). The painting honours the two Mexican comrades Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Filogonio Martínez Merino, who were murdered by the reaction on 26 and 27 October. Both comrades fought against the imperialist mega-projects that are being imposed against the people in the state of Oaxaca. We publish here pictures of the painting at the university of Hamburg, which were sent to us.