
On Thursday, March 19, the heaviest attack this month against the Malian military forces in the ongoing resistance struggle against the imperialist war took place.

The masses are fighting everywhere, even on the African continent. In the following we want to give a short overview of actions in Kenya.

Since last Wednesday, residents of the town of Ladysmith, which has 64,000 inhabitants, have been blocking streets and entrances to the town in protests against the mayor.

Climate change, caused by the imperialist mode of production, has many different effects. In this article we want to shed some light on the influence of the greenhouse effect as a cause of flight on the African continent.

After the airstrike on internment camps for refugees with more than 40 dead people, near the Libyan capital Tripoli, all parties to the conflict deny any involvement in this war crime. It has not been conclusively clarified if the troops of the Libyan unity government, which was brought to power in 2011 by a NATO war, under the auspices of the United States, the only hegemonium and main enemy of the peoples and France. Or if it was the troops of the apostate General Haftar, who is now supported by the US. Both the reigning Libyan president and the former CIA employee Haftar vehemently deny this. While it is obvious that it was the rebel forces that actually wanted to hit an adjacent base of pro-government militias.

Sudan, like all countries of the African continent, is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country dominated by bureaucratic capital. In April, President Bashir, who ruled for over thirty years, was overthrown by popular masses and the military.


The imperialists and their lackey are finding no quiet in Mali. The fight of the Malian people against the occupiers does not stop, on the contrary, it is rising day by day.


The resistance against the occupiers and their collaborators in Mali does not stop, not even shortly before the visit of the German foreign minister. In Mali, since more than six years large parts of the people are fightingl against the occupiers of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, briefly MINUSMA (Mission Multidimensional Intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilization au Mali) and against the European Union Training Mission EUTM (European Union Training Mission) with all their means. In the recent days, the rebels have hit sensitive targets of the imperialists and their lackeys