
We hereby report on some developments in the Nordic countries since the Day of Heroism.

Here we publish a preliminary and unofficial translation from Galicia.

In the following we share a call for a demonstration in solidarity with Liam Campbell, an Irish Republican.

In the following we document a report about the demonstration for justice for Adel last Saturday (see another report published earlier on DVD) in Essen, which was uploaded to the website of the Infoladen Wuppertal:

Essen. Germany. June 20. 2020. The demonstration against racist police violence was banned in Essen today, only a stationary gathering was allowed. But despite the ban people started marching after the stationary gathering anyway. A report from Essen.

On Sunday, a manifestation gathered in support of the ongoing struggle in the USA and against racism in all countries. At the manifestation, a number of people showed up, standing with 2 meters between one another. When the manifestation was dissolved, the real protests of the day began.

During the weekend, the masses in Gellerupparken (a large proletarian neighborhood in Århus West) have reacted with revolutionary violence, after the police shot a man during an anti-fascist demonstration, because he threatened the fascist provocator Rasmus Paludan.

The 49th Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) exercise, a maritime-focused manouver in the Baltic Region, takes place in the Baltic Sea from June 7-16. Air and maritime assets from NATO and allied nations are involved in the live training events. Training focus areas include air defense, anti-submarine warfare, maritime interdiction, and mine countermeasures operations. The exercise enhances flexibility and interoperability to strengthen combined capabilities and demonstrate strenght in the Baltic Sea region.

We think its important to spread this news and to express our solidarity with the workers against German big monopoly "Schwarz-Gruppe".

Lidl in Spain was on strike by workers on 4 June, with the exception of shops in the Basque Country. The unions UGT and CCOO called for strike.  There are shops that double their turnover. They earn much more and at the same time reduce working hours. So they increase the level of exploitation in the hope of increasing "productivity".