
Last Friday, November 5th, revolutionary students organized demonstrations in front of the Embassy of Mexico in Chile demanding the presentation of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García alive and delivered the following letter signed by 11 Chilean political, social and cultural organizations. We forward an unofficial english translation of the letter.

For the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Peru we publish excerpts of a declaration of peruvian comrades, recent actions of the Peoples Liberation Army as well as images of actions excecuted in Berlin.

In the first round, the electoral sham had already failed. More than 40 million people did not attend to the elections or voted null or blank, which equals 29.1% of the people who are able to vote.  This number is very meaningful, given that in the last election in 2014 the boycott was of approximately 38 million, which A Nova Democracia has characterized as “the biggest boycott to the electoral sham”. The correct number is certainly even bigger, because the people who had their voter title cancelled due to not participating and did not regularize this situation due to not caring or rejection are not counted by the Electoral Justice.

[with information from A Nova Democracia website]

The most voted candidate had actually 33,4% of the total of voters, which means 49 million people from a pool of 147 million, almost as many as the ones who boycotted, and it also means that 100 million did not support the fist placed candidate.

Also the boycott to the electoral sham was expressed in the election for governor of the states.
In Rio de Janeiro approximately 4.7 million people boycotted the electoral sham, 42% of the total, and the one in the first place had 25%, which means he did not manage to overcome the rejection to the elections.

Also in Minas Gerais the election was a failure, approximately 6 million people, 42.8% and the one in first place had 26%, approximately 4 million people. Again the rejection won.
In Rondonia the first place had not even 20.5% of the votes and the rejection was 38% of the voters. 409.400 people from 1.1 million voters.

In Teresópolis, a city in Rio de Janeiro state, there was also election for mayor. The result was a complete failure, more than 61600 (56.6%) of the voters did not vote and the first place had 23.500 (18.6%) of the votes from a total of 129.900 people able to vote.

These data were removed from the official website of the Electoral Justice.


Despite the numbers that clearly express the bankruptcy of the fake democracy (the dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie and landlords who serve imperialism), part of the people actively boycott the electoral sham and made actions.

In Mato Grosso state, indigenous peoples from a village in Brasnorte, expelled the Army soldiers with arrows. The goal of them was to prevent the people to access the electronic ballots inside the place, as part of the rejection to the fake democracy. The soldiers were deployed to enter the village.
In São José dos Pinhais city, in Paraná state, apparently two people attacked the Electoral Forum of the city with Molotov cocktail, they were using hoods for not being identified by the repression. Hundreds of electronic ballots.

Edson Padoin
A worker destroys one electronic ballot in Santa Catarina state. Picture: Edson Padoin

In Morro da Fumaça city, south of Santa Catarina, a 25 year-old worker destroyed an electronic ballot with a sledgehammer during the voting. He entered the room and made the action. He was captured by the Military Police and could not speak the reason of the action, but it is deductible that was part of the popular rage with the fake democracy.

In Campinas city, countryside of São Paulo state, two electronic ballots were sabotaged before the beginning of the votes. People stealthy entered in a school, broke in a room and cut the power cables of the ballots.

“This historical boycott in the first round is a hard blow thrown against the fake democracy and shows that the people´s masses urge for a new society and a new system, which will emerge from the people´s struggle and other means, and also impulses the crisis in the core of the ruling classes.” States the article.

We forward a song that was produced by different rappers, including Ameaça Vermelha (Red Threat), in the occasion of the electoral sham that is taking place in Brazil this moment.


We publish images of different actions that are taking place in the whole country against the electoral sham that will take place next sunday, October 8.

The situation in Latin America is increasingly sharpening with the increase of the direct military presence of the Yankee, the crisis of legitimacy of the old states in Latin America and the bankruptcy of the opportunist "left wing", with the fall of the Workers Party from the government, the imminence of the reactionary preventive war against the people that is already being waged converge for this moment to be critical for the struggle of the people in Brazil.

- Activists from the People´s Revolutionary Student Movement (MEPR) denouncing the electoral sham, as well as the different candidates from the various fractions of the Single Party.


-Participation in a demonstration against the far-right with the banner saying "Neither Elections nor Military Intervention, Revolution Now!" in Rio de Janeiro.

Nem eleicao nem intervencao

-Participation in a demonstration against the far-right with the banner saying "Don´t vote, Struggle for Revolution!" in Foz do Iguaçu the South of the country.





- Agitation against the electoral sham and distribution of A Nova Democracia newspaper in the city of Campinas, in Sao Paulo state.





IMG 3454

IMG 3419

IMG 3442

IMG 3443

IMG 3475

IMG 3483

IMG 3493


- Agitation against the electoral sham, with a banner saying "Neither Elections nor Military Intervention, Revolution Now!" and distribution of A Nova Democracia newspaper in Rio de Janeiro.








- Paintings on varios places as documented in A Nova Democracia Website, in Rio de janeiro,


Cpia de engdentro5

Cpia de engdentro6

Cpia de Vila Isabel 2

Cpia de Engenho de dentro2

Cpia de Niteroi

Cpia de Engenho de dentro4


in Curitiba city, Paraná state







in Campinas city, Sao Paulo state

Av John Boyd Dunlop Jardim Ipaussurama Campinas

Praa Teatro Castro Mendes Centro Campinas

Avenida das Amoreiras

- in the North of Minas Gerais state

elei o nao

 SAM 3651

SAM 3668

SAM 3677

SAM 3684

SAM 3686

SAM 3695

Cleomar 3

elei o

nao elei o

nem elei o




We share this picture which was made in Rojava in solidarity with the 23 convicted activists and Igor Mendes:

With information of an article published in A Nova Democracia Website, in the context of the important mobilization that took place the last weekend in many places of the country and abroad regarding the elections that will take place on October 7, we transmit a report of the demonstration in Rio de Janeiro and the action of the red block.

Dozens of thousands people gathered in Cinelândia square, in the centre of Rio de Janeiro city, in a demonstration against the far-rightist ideas that are being broadcast mainly for the presidential electoral propaganda of Jair Bolsonaro.

Nem eleicao nem intervencao

We publish an english translation of a note published on A Nova Demoracia webpage, denoucing the arrest of a student during a protest in Rondônia state.


With information from the A Nova Democracia support committee of Porto Velho

A law student at the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) was arbitrarily arrested by the Military Police while agitating against the electoral sham and denouncing police repression during the national act against Bolsonaro, held on September 29 in the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia.


Repression agents tried to justify the absurd arrest claiming that she had criticized the police institution during the demonstration. In her speech, the student had fiercely denounced the falsity of the elections and also the crimes committed by the Military Police against peasants, who are not infrequently covered by the press monopoly, which is servile to the latifundium and the judiciary.

Following her arrest, several demonstrators rushed to the police station door, along with a lawyer commission to provide support and denounce the persecutory, political and illegal character of the arrest.

From the moment of arbitrary arrest, popular movements and activists in Rondônia are calling on organizations, entities and democratic personalities to issue notes of repudiation facing another show of illegality promoted by the old state against the people.

The long history of crimes of the Military Police of Rondônia

The Military Police of Rondônia has a long and well-known history of crimes committed against the peasants of the region. Crimes which are frequently practiced in collusion with the local landlords, just as denounced several times in the A Nova Democracia pages.

Among one of the most barbarous crimes executed by police officers ordered by the latifundium, we mention one of those that moved the country in 2016: the murders of the two young peasants Allysson Henrique Lopes and Ruan Hildebran Aguiar, ex-settlers from Fazenda Tucumã, in the municipality of Cujubim.

Only in this case, according to the investigations of the Civil Police itself, at least 3 military police officers were implicated, two of them coming from the 7th Battalion, ranging Ariquemes (RO) and Cujubim. All the ones were involved with the landlord and supposedly farm owner, Paulo Iwakami, known as "Japanese", who was also arrested at the time.

Just as the facts show, the denunciation that the student of law made during the protest is more than verifiable truth, but a necessity to be spread as proof of the anti-people character of this old bourgeois-latifundium state.