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- International
Bobbie comes out of the closet
Bobbie is not ashamed anymore to show us his true nature. The revisionist Bob Avakian groupies, who call themselves revolutionary communists have always been nothing more than the intellectual appendix of the Democratic Party, nontheless this new statement is an important revelation.
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Hamburgo: Acción en solidaridad con el movimiento revolucionario en Turquía
El 1 de Agosto tuvieron lugar en Hamburgo dos acciones contra la represión contra el movimiento revolucionario en Turquía. Aquí se reunieron revolucionarios de Turquía y de la RFA temprano en la tarde ante la prisión preventiva en Holstenglacis en el centro de Hamburgo donde se encuentra encarcelado el preso revolucionario Erdal Gökulu. Erdal se encuentra en huelga de hambre en solidaridad con los abogados del pueblo en Turquía que están en ayuno de muerte por un proceso justo. En discursos fue denunciada repetidas veces la sentencia contra los inculpados en el proceso de TKP/ML que fue sentenciada el pasado martes por el tribunal superior de justicia en Múnich. Además se llamó la atención sobre la situación de los compañeros hindús Varavara Rao y G.N Saibaba que son retenidos presos por el viejo estado hindú bajo condiciones atroces. El compañero Varavara Rao tiene serios problemas de salud tras haber sido infectado con el coronavirus en cautividad, a pesar de ello el estado hindú le prohibe la libertad condicional para recuperarse.
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- Europa
Review: John Hearthfield exhibition in Berlin
The Berlin Academy of Arts is currently displaying some of the work of the red artist John Heartfield, who should primarily be known for his avantgarde political photo-montage.
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Graffiti in honor of Garret Foster
Here we publish a photo of a graffiti in honor of Garret Foster, which was sent to us.
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- Asien
KASHMIR [INDIA]: Actions around the first anniversary of deprivation of autonomy
Around the first anniversary of the withdrawal of the autonomy rights of the Kashmiri people, further armed actions were carried out against the old Indian state in occupied Kashmir (The reaction calls it the federal state of Jammu and Kashmir).
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- Afrika
Mass struggles in South Africa
In the following we want to give a short overview of the mass struggles and combative protests of the recent week in South Africa.
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- Europa
Strong together against the EU-Hegemon?
After the French president Emmanuel Macron and the Italian Prime-minister Guiseppe Conte already tried to work together in refugee politics in the EU for roughly two years, both countries now developed a new plan. For years both sides argue over the border of the places Ventimiglia (Italy) and Menton (France) where a lot of refugees try to get to France.
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- Asien
Once again mass protests against femicide in Turkey
On 21st of July, the 27-year-old student Pinar Gültekin was murdered in Muğla in southwest Turkey by her ex-boyfriend through strangulation and the body was then poured over with concrete in a dustbin after combustion attempts. The number of murders of women in Turkey continues to rise and this year, according to the women's association Kamer, is already as high as 260 – the number of cases of domestic violence in Istanbul alone has risen by 40 percent this year, increased by the curfew.