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- Europa
Solidarity in face of the repression of the French state
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- Lateinamerika
Mining in Brazil: A History of Exploration and Domination
On January 25 this year, a huge environmental crime occurred in the city of Brumadinho, Minas Gerais. Such a crime also happened just over three years ago in the municipality of Mariana, also in Minas Gerais, and with the same involved company - the notorious Vale.
These cases, however, are only "the tip of the iceberg". Mining activity in Brazil has been developed over the centuries by latifundium oligarchies, by the big bourgeoisie and by colonialism and imperialism, as a form of domination and subjugation of the Brazilian people. The deaths due to the inhuman condition that mineral extractivism imposes are not infrequently.
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- Proletarischer Feminismus
International Leaflet: Proletarian Feminism for Communism!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Proletarian Feminism for Communism!
The ruling Imperialists claim that the oppression of women in Western Europe is an issue that is mostly resolved. The openly racist forces of the so-called “right-populists” claim, that the problem is something belonging to the Muslim community. Petty bourgeois “theoreticians” reduce the oppression of women to a question of “identity politics”. Revisionists and opportunists follow suit and speak about “sexism” and equalize the oppression of women with the prejudices against LGBTQ people. All of that serves as a smokescreen to the hide the real situation, the fact that the oppression and exploitation of women is an expression of patriarchy which arose with the emergence of private property and can only be abolished with the disappearance of it.
The oppression and exploitation of women has in no way disappeared in Western Europe, just as it has not disappeared anywhere in the world. On the contrary, women are less paid as men doing the same work and still have to carry the load of the socially indispensable reproduction work. Women are subjected to patriarchal violence everywhere and are being killed by the thousands by males in what is cynically called "domestic violence". Womens murder, rape and molestation are everywhere and currently the imperialists are unleashing an offensive against the rights conquered by women and the working-class, even trying to take away the right of abortion, using the most reactionary propaganda.
The attacks on immigrant women, and in particularly against the women of Muslim faith, are a sinister part of the attempts to divide the working-class and to justify imperialist aggression against the oppressed countries. It is part of the campaign to portrait imperialist reaction as “civilization” and a revival of the old and rotten colonial concept of the “white mans burden”. The “right-populists” do not give a damn about women being liberated from semi-feudal and reactionary ideologies, what they want is to impose their national chauvinism.
The whole concept of “identity politics” is idealism and part of the general counter-revolutionary offensive against Marxism. We are being told that material reality, class struggle and fundamental contradictions in today’s world are secondary, we are supposed to believe that there are no truths and everything is a question about subjective and personal feelings. They proclaim that there is no scientific ideology, that everything is a “construct”. It is the absolute negation of dialectical materialism. According to this criteria the talk about “sexism”, as if the oppression and exploitation of women was merely a question of ideas and not inseparable from private property, is false and it downgrades the patriarchal oppression of women to the same level as that of those men who suffer due to their sexual preferences.
The oppression of LGBTQ people is secondary to the oppression and exploitation of women, but its root is the same patriarchy. There is a chauvinist trend among certain opportunists, fighting “identity politics” with workerism, economism and blatant chauvinism. Maoists and proletarian feminists join ranks with and seek to organize all those oppressed by patriarchy, and fight chauvinism against all such groups.
Women constitute, at least, half of the working-class and they are double oppressed and exploited in relation to their class brothers. It is indispensable to develop a clear class-conscious line in the women's movement, a proletarian feminist line that ideologically, politically and organizationally smashes the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie lines and explicitly considers the struggle for the emancipation of women as a decisive and indispensable part of the struggle for the emancipation of working-class. Without the struggle for the emancipation of women there can be no real struggle for Communism. Without the struggle for Communism there can be no real struggle for the emancipation of women. Therefore the slogan “Proletarian feminism for communism!” gives a correct basic orientation for the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in the women's movement.
Wave after Wave, Blow after Blow – Against imperialism and Patriarchy
Today there is no strong international proletarian feminist movement and the main reason is the lack of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties in the majority of the countries in the world and very much so in Europe, that generate such a movement in the different countries. So the main task, in the current situation, for anyone who wants to struggle for the real emancipation of women, is to contribute in every way possible for the reconstitution of the Communist Parties.
Since the struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Parties can not be waged anywhere but in the midst of class struggle and two-line struggle on the basis of a just and correct Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideological and political line, from the very beginning the mobilization, politicization and organization of women, and in particular the women of the deepest and broadest masses, is a decisive part of the same. The Communist Party is the vanguard detachment of the proletariat and it must be made up of leaders who represent the true interest of the class and the deepest and broadest masses, the ones most oppressed and exploited. Any talk about reconstituting the Communist Party without to promote and develop the proletarian feminist movement in a planned and systematic way is a scam. Any position that does not, from the very beginning, further the incorporation of women in the vanguard detachment in formation, is a revisionist position. Any structure that calls itself communist, but does not strive to promote the ones who have the foremost direct interest in the struggle for communism in its own ranks, can not be considered communist. The vanguard of the proletariat needs as many female leaders, cadres and militants as possible, and as more of these it has, the better it is.
The proletarian feminist movement must represent the interest of the working-class women, the women of the deepest and broadest masses, it must be developed in their midst and can not have its main focus on the universities or debate clubs. It must be developed in the work-places, in the proletarian neighborhoods and on the streets, by grasping the real problems of the masses and giving them a correct orientation on how to solve them, generating the forms of organization and of struggle to do so, and developing their daily struggle in service of the struggle for the conquest of power for the proletariat, what today means to pave the way at every level for the initiation of People’s War. The proletarian feminist movement must stand shoulder to shoulder with the female workers who fight for their rights for equal pay, with single mothers who struggle desperately every day to feed their children, with Muslim women who are attacked by chauvinists because of the way they dress and for defending their right to carry the pieces of clothing they prefer, with elderly women who can not survive on her pension, with women being subjected to patriarchal violence and everybody else who suffers form oppression and exploitation of imperialism and patriarchy, teach them how to fight and how to defend their interest. The proletarian feminist movement must uphold, defend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, to solve the pending tasks it faces in every country, learning from the experiences of the workers, popular and women struggle all over the world and particularly learning from the female communists who stand in the first line in the ongoing People’s Wars. It must advance, serving the struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Parties and the building of the United Front for the proletarian revolution, for the dictatorship of the proletariat, in waves and dealing hard and precise blows to the enemy.
This year we, Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in Europe, jointly unfold our activities around the 8th of March under these slogans, Proletarian Feminism for Communism! and Wave after Wave, Blow after Blow – Against imperialism and Patriarchy!. We do so with the intention to further the development of the European proletarian feminist movement and to further unleash the fury of women as a mighty force of the proletarian world revolution.
For a class-line in the women's movement!
To the streets on the 8th of March!
Forwards Red Women!
Red Womens Committees (Austria)
Red Womens Committees (FRG)
Serve the People - Communist League(Norway)
Peru People’s Movement (Reorganisation Committee)
Red Flag Collective (Finland)
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- Asien
German weapons against the Yemenite people
The Yemeni war is one of many where German imperialism takes part in open or hidden ways. Even though it does not appear in the official portrait of the Bundeswehr, the FRG does play a role in this war, in which among others the allies of the FRG (through NATO) USA, Great Britain and France take part by „logistical support“.
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- Asien
New actions of the comrades and crimes of the reaction in India
During and after the successful Bandh in the guerrilla zones and liberated areas of India, the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army, with the support of the broad masses and under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (maoist), has undertaken several actions to further develop and spread the People's War.
On the day of the armed strike, on January 31, the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army carried out an action in which a truck of a construction company was lit and used as a blockade for an important main road.
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- Lateinamerika
Venezuela: 'US military intervention is not ruled out', says puppet Guaidó
Juan Guaidó said he did not rule out the possibility of a military intervention by Yankee imperialism in Venezuela. The intervention is a possibility, according to him, "if it is necessary to take Nicolas Maduro out of power," said the Yankee puppet in a statement given to the France Press agency on February 8.
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- Lateinamerika
A Nova Democracia Editorial - Who rules the country?
The first thirty days of government evidenced, in facts, all the inconsistency of Bolsonaro and his clique, while his government is proven to be a constitutional screen where the preventive counterrevolutionary military coup, unleashed by the High Command of the reactionary Armed Forces, is concealed. The following months will make clear that Bolsonaro can only play the role of figurehead, and yet, as far as and as long as he is useful.
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- Lateinamerika
Brumadinho: Hideous crime of Vale and their complicit from the federal and state governments against the people
The Union of the Construction Workers of Belo Horizonte and Region - MARRETA and the Workers League had published this bulletin and distributed it to the masses in a demonstration in Praça Sete, the epicenter of the capital, last Thursday (31/01/2019) and also to the people of Brumadinho in (1/2/2019). A delegation made up of activists from MARRETA, the Workers League and the Revolutionary People’s Student Movement (MEPR) went to Brumadinho to show solidarity with the workers and residents of the area that was affected by the criminal collapse of Vale’s dams.
Pain and revolt! Another crime against the people and the Nation.
Just over three years after the criminal collapse of the Valeão/BHP Billiton/Samarco Fundão Dam in Mariana, which killed at least 19 people, destroyed Bento Rodrigues, affected thousands of families and continues to cause casualties, a new collapse of Vale dams is another hedious crime against the people.
According to relatives, nearly 500 people were murdered and buried under tons of mud and mining waste. The destruction of the natural environment, with extensive areas of cultivation covered by the mud, is definitive. The Paraopeba River is dead.
Pressed by the commotion and revolt of the population, the press monopoly repeats that this is unacceptable, the rulers speak of punishment, impose millionaire fines, say that it will not be allowed for this to happen again. The leaders of the mining company appear with a crying face talking about the commitment to the victims, who will compensate everything and everyone, they say they will review the method of extraction, etc, etc ...
But it's all talks. They did the same in Mariana. Today, after 3 years, the miners did not compensate the victims, they did not deliver the promised houses, they did not pay a penny of the fines, they are all unpunished. On the contrary, Vale continued to buy politicians, prosecutors and the press to continue mining ore the same way, as they did in Brumadinho and in other hundreds of mines throughout the country. Without the pressure of the people, nothing will change!
Murderer Vale
On January 29, it was announced the arrest of five people from the middle ranks of Vale who would be responsible for the technical reports that attested the security for mining activity in Brumadinho. Mere scene play to keep everything as is and so the big fish and true culprits continue unpunished. Who authorized or allowed a restaurant and an administrative center to operate just below a mountain of waste?
What does the life of a worker value to them?
The multi-billionaire Vale announced that it would "donate" $ 100,000 to each affected family. Scoundrels! They think they will contain the workers' and people's revolts with an ammount of money.
The government promises to release the FGTS [Guarantee Funds for Length of Service] forthe families. Cynics! This money is from the workers! The notorious labor "reform" that these politicians imposed on Brazilian workers in 2017 limits the compensation ceiling to 50 times the worker's salary when he dies on duty, as happened to hundreds in Brumadinho.
All governments are accomplices of mining companies
We demand the immediate dismantling of all waste dams in the country
The Pimentel government sanctioned the law 2,946/2015 that made environmental licensing more flexible for mining companies to exploit. This government did not take any concrete steps towards the accountability and punishment of Vale/BHP Billiton/Samarco, much on the contrary, it worked for the mining companies to resume as soon as possible their predatory activity after the Mariana crime.
The current governor, Romeu Zema, during his campaign, stated that the mining companies have a lot of difficulties to obtain the environmental license and that he would change this. In fact, two days before the crime of Brumadinho, Zema announced the expansion of the mineral exploration by Vallourec in that same district.
Bolsonaro also vociferated throughout his campaign against "bureaucratisation," saying he was going to stop the inspections by the"Shiite environmentalists."
When a tragedy occurs, and the crime is wide open for all to see, the government and the Vale make a scene play saying that it is the fault of one or the other. They are all accomplices!
According to the Water National Agency (ANA), there are currently more than 24,000 dams destined to various purposes throughout the national territory, of which 790 are destined to mining waste. And there are altogether 31 agencies that cover 154 officials to inspect all these dams. And the government further increases the criminal activity when it establishes that the company itself must exercise the supervision of its activities.
There are technologies for dry-exploring ore. Why not everyone is forced to adopt them? Because they are more expensive. The mining companies only think of their billionaire profits and it gets cheaper for these exploiters to buy half a dozen politicians, tv stations and bury the people under tons of mud.
In imperialist countries, mineral exploration meets strict rules. In countries dominated like ours, for these exploitive sharks, the people are worthless!
It is no use asking for more rigor in the inspections and nor expect anything from these rulers who, after the commotion moment, return to the same game of covering up the crimes of large companies. Can we trust that other waste dams will now be inspected?
We demand the suspension of all mining activities for the dismantling of all waste dams in the country. All dams, and not half a dozen as proposed by Vale.
Brazil: more than 500 years of theft of our natural resources
Brazil is a semi-colonial country. Our independence is fake, we are a fake republic. For 500 years our role has been of a producer and exporter of raw materials for the old metropolis and current imperialist powers of the world. Mining companies and landlords are privileged instruments of imperialism, as well as the banks and transnationals that are installed in the country, for the plundering of our natural wealth and the exploitation of the work of our people. This infamous Vale, the former Vale do Rio Doce, was created for this purpose. The globo network, with its slogan"agro, the industry-wealth of Brazil", is the exaltation of this.
And to get an idea of the privileges that this sector enjoys in the country, the whole export of raw materials, which amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars every year, does not pay a single cent of taxes to the public reserve.
The local ruling classes (big bourgeoisie, in their comprador and bureaucratic fractions, and latifundium) and their shift governors apply the policy of national subjugation. In essence this is the policy that has been increasingly applied since the establishment of the military regime in 1964, passing through all the elected governments of the different parties until it reaches the current president, who does not tire of declaring his condition of lackey of Yankee imperialism.
It was Bolsonaro's act to bring in the murderous troops of the Israeli army, which have been dropping bombs and cowardly attacking the heroic Palestinian people under US patronage for decades. They arrived at Brumadinho with the equipment that they use to search for tunnels of the Palestinian resistance but that are useless for rescues in the mud, according to the commander of the firefighters. Pure marketing move in an attempt to wipe their hands dyed from the blood of the invincible people of Palestine.
Nationalize and industrialize all our natural resources
What Brazil needs is to nationalize all its natural resources, industrialize it here to guarantee employment and well-being for our people and to boost the progress of the nation.
We demand punishment for those responsible for this heinous crime!
For the immediate end of all waste dams!
Justice for the dead, maimed, family and affected by Vale in Brumadinho!
Justice for the dead, maimed, family and affected by Vale/BHP Billiton/Samarco in Mariana!
Down with the theft of our wealth!
Nationalization and industrialization of the country's natural resources!
Translated from A Nova Democracia