After last year there were manifestations and actions in several cities in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) regarding the 19th of June, Day of Heroism, also this year again actions took place in several cities of the country. These actions were even more powerful, more broad and more sucessful than last year. Through this very clearly more and more a new revolutionary tradition for 19th of June is getting established in the FRG. At this point we want to give a short overview of these actions.
Here a manifestation initiated by the „Initiative Freedom for all Political Prisoners“ with nearly 100 participants was held on 19th of June. The manifestation was conducted against provocations of reactionaries and police, who tried to scare the participants of the manifestation. Among speeches on the situation of the female revolutionary prisoners and prisoners of war of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in the prisons of the Indian reaction and the Day of Heroism on 19th of June 1986 in Peru, there was also one commemorated to Mohamed, who was shot by the police the day before. Mohamed was firstly attacked with pepper spray and then shot during a forced eviction of his basement.
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In Bremen there was also a banner hung in a working class area reminding on the Day of Heroism and demanding the defence of the life of Chairman Gonzalo, who is held in prison by the Peruvian reaction since nearly 28 years on the marine base of Callao.
There were a powerful manifestation and demonstration conducted on 20th of June more than 500 people took part in. The actions were directed against racist police violence and commemoreted the first anniversary of the shooting of Adel B. in the working class neighbourhood Essen-Altendorf. The demonstration after the manifestation was not applied for with the cops (in Germany you have to apply for every public manifestation with the official authorities). But facing the political situation and the combative demonstration, the cops were powerless and kept back.
In Hamburg, on 20th of June the „Alliance against Imperialist Aggression“ called out for a manifestation against police violence and the state of emergency, which is justified by the state with the so-called „Corona Crisis“. Some dozens took part in the manifestation, including parts of the revolutionary movement of Hamburg. By the time more people joined the manifestation spontaneously. Some of the masses with enthusiasm for the cause wanted to be photographed in front of the banner „Proletarians of all countries and peoples of the world, unite!“. Several combative speeches were held. It was expressed in all contributions that it is our duty as revolutionaries to combat and resist against police violence, the violence of the imperialist system and the state of emergency. On the occasion of 19th of June, the sharpening of the situation of the revolutionary political prisoners, as well as to the Day of Heroism were mentioned.
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