This year's LLL-Demonstration, commemorating the founders of the Communist Party of Germany and the Great Lenin, was different from the demonstrations in the recent years. This was not only due to the state of emergency of the German state and the pandemic, but was inevitably linked to it. The "tradition" of this demonstration is usually a mainly calm and rather boring one, apart from the usual maneuver of the police against the sympathisers and bearers of the symbols and flags of the Kurdish national movement. This year, however, the state chose a different approach to the demonstration. Motivated by the smaller number of participants than the previous years, due to the pandemic, obviously well directed and commanded by the political police and of course incited by their traditional reactionary hatred against all those who call themselves communists, the black-helmeted foot soldiers of German imperialism attacked the demonstration for more than an hour. The pretext used to beat up the participants, torture old people lying on the ground and mistreat many others, was the wearing of the symbols of the former GDR (German Democratic Republic) youth organisation FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend; in English: Free German Youth), which are by no means clearly banned in the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany).
But it became clear that this was just a pretext to attack the whole demonstration, because it was obvious that the demonstrators from the most varying organisations would not simply accept such an arbitrary attack and would resist. This is what happened and the attacks by the gang of thugs were repelled wave after wave by the demonstrators. The internet platform "Perspektive Online" describes the situation as follows: "They [the police] were extremely brutal, tried to capture FDJ flags and arrested several people wearing blue FDJ shirts. However, parts of the demonstration also showed solidarity, carrying red flags with hammer and sickle and were in turn attacked by police." The result on the demonstrators' side is 32 arrests and dozens injured, some seriously. But even the police with their riot gear, could not completely escape the wrath of the revolutionaries, 17 policemen were injured, two of them had to go to hospital. Turkish comrades document in their report on the demonstration, the injuries inflicted on one participant when the police stormed the demonstration on one of several occasions.
The police statements afterwards stated that the demonstrators had not kept to the distance rules and had thus violated the Corona requirements. It is unnecessary to deal with this shabby attempt to shift the blame and find reasons for this excessive use of force. The group "Waterkant Antifa" has already written about this on their Facebook page: "Distance rules cannot be observed when cops attack from all sides and permanently arrest people. Several violence-prone cops didn't have masks on the whole time and this was addressed again and again, they smiled at these hints." All the more cynical were the ongoing announcements by the police present, who repeatedly called for keeping the distance and pulling the demonstration apart, while at the same time the next onslaught on the demonstration was prepared and participants were beaten to hospital.
The police attack was a show of force, but this show of force was an important lesson for the revolutionaries present. A lesson in what it means to mess with this imperialist beast, a lesson in what the police state that is currently being established means, and a lesson in how any illusion in this old rotten state will be paid for with blood in the end. The task for the revolutionaries in the FRG is to create the organisation that can take up the struggle under all conditions, persevere and lead it to the end. This means reconstituting the Communist Party of Germany, in strong alliance with the communists all over the world. For one slogan with great implications for the International Communist Movement shone throughout the struggles: "For the New Organisation of the International Proletariat!"
Even though the demonstration, after the end of the struggle, returned to its traditional course, this struggle is not over yet. Those who had to, serve as a pretext for the attack state in their statement: "Their fear of the unification of the revolutionary youth, their fear of a fighting working class is the only thing that this apparatus of power has demonstrated today". Therefore, we would like to express our solidarity with all the arrested and injured comrades. It is once again evident that despite ideological and political differences, the revolutionaries in this country have a great enemy, one who will not stop at any outrage, neither on the rest of the world, nor in its own homeland.
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Note for the curious:
Even though we reject the term "fake news", there is certainly evidence that the term for this phenomenon has a material basis. We therefore refer to the following report (in German language) with the request to the comrades reading to keep their humor and maintain self-control.