Several times, demonstrations against the gas levy and inflation have been held by revolutionaries and masses in the proletarian district of Altendorf in Essen. The gas levy has been overturned in the meantime, but with the new proposal of the federal government, the parts of the population that can most easily afford the crisis will benefit first. Meanwhile, the deepest and broadest masses are pacified with minimal payments in an attempt to keep them quiet, even though this does not even ensure their current living conditions. Oil consumers have been completely left out of the government financing question, even though they are similarly affected in terms of heating costs as gas users within the capitalist system.
The masses, however, are not blinded by flimsy promises and continue their protest.
With the bloc "Altendorfer gegen Energiepreiserhöhung" (Altendorfer against energy price increase), a contingent of revolutionaries and masses participated in the nationwide mobilization on October 10 under the slogan "Für Heizung, Brot und Frieden! - Enough is enough! We will not pay for your crisis". With a strong expression, own demands, own slogans, as well as a banner that emphasized the necessity of the unification of the proletariat, own positions could be clearly emphasized.
Posters were carried carrying the demands of the masses from the previous mobilizations. Calls for affordable food, public transport that everyone can afford and international solidarity instead of financing the Bundeswehr and arms deliveries were raised. Part of the slogans, such as "Old-age poverty, inflation - Our answer: rebellion," were shared and supported by other progressive forces in the demonstration.
With a combative, anti-imperialist speech of the Altendorf contingent, the demonstration concluded in the workers' neighborhood Nordviertel, after moving from the main station through the city center.