At this point we want to give a short overview of the solidarity actions for the Brazilian revolutionary peasant movement that have been documented so far and which have been carried out outside Brazil.


With a powerful statement and video, the FDLP-EC comrades opened the solidarity campaign in Ecuador. Meanwhile, in the offices of the Brazilian Embassy in Ecuador, the FDLP, OSUNTRAMSA (National Union of Health Workers), FETSAPI; The Federation of Health Workers of Pichincha, the Factory Committee of Workers of Empresa Eléctrica del Norte (EMELNORTE), the Association of Electrical Workers "Adolfo Guerra", the Popular Women's Movement and the Committee of Poor Peasants of Ecuador made statements in support of the struggle of the poor peasants. The union organising over 17,000 workers, Osuntramsa (National Single Union Organisation of Workers of the Ministry of Health), also joined in support of the peasants' struggle.




Rondonia Solidarität EC Botschaft I Rondonia Solidarität EC Botschaft II
Rondonia Solidarität EC Botschaft III Rondonia Solidarität EC Botschaft IV
Rondonia Solidarität EC Botschaft V Rondonia Solidarität EC Erklärung



A graffiti was seen in Tampere with the slogan: "Long live the agrarian revolution, Death to the latifundium! Long live the LCP!"


Rondonia Solidarität FN Malung



The Jeunes Revolutionnaires (JR) carried out actions in Saint-Étienne and Lyon under the slogan "Down with the criminalisation of the struggle for land! Long live the LCP!" A graffiti was also discovered in Saint-Étienne.

Rondonia Solidarität FR Aktion I Rondonia Solidarität FR Aktion II




Rondonia Solidarität FR Malung



Galiza Vermelha (Red Galicia) published a statement on the events in Brazil, denouncing the Governor of Rondonia and Colonel of the Military Police, Marcos Rocha, and the Secretary of Security, Cisneiro Pachá, the "Butcher of Santa Elina", and expressing their solidarity with the peasants, along with a picture of a banner being hung. Later, pictures of agitation by Dazibaos were published.


Rondonia Solidarität GZ Transparent


Rondonia Solidarität GZ Dazibao I Rondonia Solidarität GZ Dazibao II




The Revolutionary Student Movement (MER) of Toronto and the publishing house Pensamentos Guias of Montreal joined the solidarity campaign and issued statements. A number of graffiti were painted and leaflet campaigns were held.


Rondonia Solidarität KN Malung I

Rondonia Solidarität KN Malung II Rondonia Solidarität KN Malung III



Youth from various popular and democratic organisations in Bogota held demonstrations from 14-16 April denouncing the actions of the old Brazilian state.



The Popular Current Red Sun (CP-Red Sun) has issued a call to its bases and democratic sister organisations at the national level to carry out actions for the comrades in Brazil in the service of proletarian internationalism, starting on 19 April.


Rondonia Solidarität MX



A solidarity action was carried out in front of the Brazilian Embassy in Oslo. The banner with the slogans "Combat and resist! All support to the farmers of Manoel Ribeiro camp!" was later hung in a nearby area. A graffiti also appeared in Kristiansand.

Rondonia Solidarität NR Kundgebung Oslo Rondonia Solidarität NR Malung Kristiansand




Rondonia Solidarität ÖS



AGEB issued a statement in solidarity with the struggling peasants, appealing for support from all anti-imperialist, revolutionary and democratic forces and announcing solidarity actions in several cities in Europe for the coming weekend of 24/25 April.

Rondonia Solidarität Türkei AGEB Erklärung


United States

Across the country, there were numerous graffitis and rallies, specifically denouncing the offensive of the Brazilian state against the revolutionary, democratic newspaper A Nova Democracia. In Oxnard, the Oxnard Revolutionary Study Group(OxRevStudy) and the Tribune of the People's Oxnard Support Committee (SC) held a solidarity concert with about 100 people in the crowd and six local bands. In Austin, on the occasion of the Day of the Heroes of the Brazilian People on 9 April, a talk was given on leader Comrade Sandra Lima and peasant leaders Comrade Cleomar and Comrade Renato and their achievements.

Rondonia Solidarität US Austin Vortrag Rondonia Solidarität USA Austin Malung



As reported, rallies were held last weekend in front of the Brazilian Honorary Consulates in Hamburg and Stuttgart. In Bremen, a lecture was held, contrary to the restrictive measures of limiting contact, and a graffiti was seen beforehand. Furthermore, the Red Women's Committees - FRG published a declaration of solidarity.


Rondonia Solidarität BRD Kundgebung Hamburg I Rondonia Solidarität BRD Kundgebung Hamburg II
Rondonia Solidarität BRD Kundgebung Stuttgart Rondonia Solidarität BRD Malung Bremen


Rondonia Solidarität BRD Vortrag Bremen