Who bought the daily newspaper "Junge Welt" (“Young World”) on the 14th of June and read it, found on the third page – the emphasis page – an article about the revolutionary peasant movement in Brazil.

On the occasion of the situation of the revolutionary peasant movement led by the Liga Dos Camponeses Pobres (League of Poor Peasants) - LCP - the rightful struggle for land in the state of Rondônia, on the Hacienda Santa Elina, also the biggest leftist daily of the FRG dedicated a whole page to this struggle. Here in the FRG, as well as internationally, different revolutionary and progressive forces and institutions explained their solidarity with the poor and landless peasants in Brazil and reported about their situation. The "Junge Welt" is, as already mentioned, the biggest leftist daily newspaper of the FRG. Around 20,000 copies are printed, sold and read daily. The big echo the struggle of the LCP has in Brazil is also reflected by the "Junge Welt" article again and thus finds more distrubution in the revolutionary movement, the so-called left scene and in progressively set people in Germany. Or to say it in the words of the German domestic secret service (Verfassungsschutz), which speaks of the "most significant print medium in the left-wing extremism".

On the occasion, but not exclusively, the "Junge Welt" reported on its main emphasis about the current struggle of the poor and landless peasants in Rondônia. The topic is adressed in three articles. In the main article, which is titled according to the words “Wir werden zurückkehren" (“We will return") the LCP spoke in its last statement, it is mainly about the current situation in Rondônia. About the massacre the old Brazilian state prepares, about the responsibles for it,aboutthe struggle of the poor peasants, and finally about the decision the LCP took to retreat. In a second and third article, the “Junge Welt” also speaks about the way of organizing, as well as the large international solidarity campaign that has been developed in various parts of the globe. The collective idea of the LCP in organizing its camps was particularly highlighted in the second article, while in the third article, the different countries "of Canada about Norway to Australia", in which there were actions, were emphasized, and it wasquoted generously from the declaration of the "Red Woman Committees" from the FRG.

All the solidarity actions developed by different organizations in different parts of the earth are a proof of the great radiance that the rightful struggle of the LCP has. The echo of thisappears on different places, including in the "Young World". Nevertheless, the article related to the struggle of the LCP is a bit pessimistic and passively written. Who is interested in reports, pictures or videos of the struggle of the LCP and of solidarity actions anywhere on the world, should take a look at the following links:






Junge Welt 14. Juni 2021