A painting was made at the University of Hamburg with the slogans "Justicia para Jesús Manuel García Martínez y Filogonio Martínez Merino!" and "Viva el Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo!" ("Justice for Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Filogonio Martínez Merino! Long live the popular current Sol Rojo!"). The painting honours the two Mexican comrades Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Filogonio Martínez Merino, who were murdered by the reaction on 26 and 27 October. Both comrades fought against the imperialist mega-projects that are being imposed against the people in the state of Oaxaca. We publish here pictures of the painting at the university of Hamburg, which were sent to us.

Justicia para Jesús Manuel García Martínez y Filogonio Martínez Merino Viva el Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo HH 2