Oct 05:
In the Brazilian state of Bahia, poor peasants of the Support Committee of the Mãe Bernadete land occupation repelled an attack by armed police officers and sent them fleeing. When the police entered the property of the occupation with a vehicle under the pretext of searching for a wanted criminal, the poor peasants attacked the police of the old Brazilian state without hesitation. The poor peasants were also able to find in the back of one of the police vehicles a man named "Marquinho da Barrinha", who was supposed to obtain information about the camp in the service of the Latifundium. The occupation continues to grow, according to the newspaper A Nova Democracia, benefiting especially from the support of the League of Poor Peasants.

bahia bauernSource:

October 06:

It is the fourth time in a few months that the Guarani-Kaiowá indigenous people in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul have been attacked by the old Brazilian state. On the morning of October 06, they were attacked another time by the Brazilian Federal Police. The police attacked the indigenous people with tear gas grenades, which they fired at the houses and people. In the process, a 74-year-old woman was also injured by the projectiles. In advance, the police confiscated the cell phones of the indigenous people so that they would not be able to document the attack, but this did not prevent those attacked from documenting the assault. In the aftermath, the indigenous community denounced the prosecutor's version of lies about the events, according to which the police had to defend themselves against stone-throwing and were merely enforcing judicial orders, during which no one was injured. The leader of the Guarani-Kaiowá indigenous people countered these accounts of the authorities of the Brazilian state, saying that it is that they have every right to defend their community against the attacks of the police, even if it is only with stones and sticks.

brasilien indigene werden von polizei mit tränengasgranaten angegriffenSource:

October 07:
In the Colombian city of Medellin, revolutionaries carried out an action in solidarity with the heroic struggle of the national resistance of the Palestinian people against Israeli settler colonialism, which has also been taking place in all parts of Palestine since Saturday, October 07. In the action, posters were held up in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people, combative slogans were shouted and speeches were given informing about the current situation in Palestine. In addition, the flag of Palestine was waved and a replica of a flag of the Israeli state with Netanyahu's head was burned.

kolumbien israel fahnenverbrennung

Solidaritätsaktion mit Palästina in Kolumbien

06 October:
In Mexico, preparations are underway for the global day of action "to end the war against the peoples of Mexico and the world" proclaimed by the National Indigenous Congress for October 12. In particular, this action will denounce the repression and persecution of the resistance to the imperialist megaproject of the interoceanic corridor in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which we have reported on several times. Also the crimes committed in this context against the communities of Santa Cruz Tagolaba and Rincón Tagolaba are addressed. Crimes against the peoples of Mexico that included the politically motivated imprisonment of Salvador Pinal Meléndez and the murder of Jesús Manuel García Martínez "Chu Pau", Zapotec community members of Tagolaba and opponents of the Interoceanic Corridor. The day of action will also serve to commemorate the community representative Félix Vicente Cruz, murdered on April 13 of this year, who for years promoted the culture in defense of the land in resistance to the large megaprojects that plague the region. And finally, according to reports from the revolutionary news site Solrojista, the action is also taking place in memory of comrade Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, shot dead in 2019 in San Francisco Ixhuatán, who was then shot by armed gangs and was a member of the Committee for the Defense of the Country and the Civil Resistance to the High CFE Fees and regional leader of the Popular Current Red Sun. In its statement, the Popular Current Red Sun expresses its solidarity with the Zapatista support bases and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and other organizations of the popular movement, raising its voice against the state terrorism of the old Mexican state and demanding justice for the imprisoned and murdered members of the popular movement.

The source of the cover image::