Kolonien in Europa?
-Ja gibt es.

In diesem Zusammenhang wurden wir auf ein Hip-Hop Lied aus Grönland aufmerksam gemacht, welches Teil der antikolonialen Kultur und der Kultur des Widerstandes ist. Es ist uns eine Freude dies zu verbreiten.




TupilakDanes will come with an attitude

They’ll say you should behave

Felt it many times before

They’ll come upfront and call me names

They’ll tell me I’m nothing but shit

I don’t like how the Greenlanders think

One teacher told me

We shouldn’t be silent all the time

There’s a swastika on my door

It’s good to have a Greenlander by your side

When there’s many eyes judging youThey would call me racial slurs

Eskimo Perker

Arctic Monkey

Just yell: I will never looseThe Dane is nothing but a tupilak

Tupilak –tupilak.


If you can’t speak Danish

The educational system will not take you in

And if they can’t speak kalaallisut

They’ll flow right inThis is the reality we live in

We can only go further as we speak a foreign language

What is this municipality

What is this country

When the Danes come we welcome them with a smile

They’ll tell a homeless Greenlander to die

He doesn’t deserve to live

![ACTUAL EMERGENCY CALL] There is a very drunken man sleeping on the

ground/ Yes, what is he? Is he a Dane or a Greenlander?

They’lllabel us as drunks and nobodies

Are we still a colonized people?

Tupilak –tupilak


But I don’t put all the blame on the Danes

Some Greenlanders abroad are drunks

They’ll make us look badWe come home broken

See ourselves as nothing

And feel like nobodies

Where are we in this route?

My fellow Greenlanders: Wake up
Talk backBe mad

Make yourself

Be independent

Show them what you can

Don’t let yourself fall too deepT

hey are looking down upon us from up there

But they don’t have mountains like we do

You can’t see and you can’t feel what we are

But I’m gonna say we are tupilak

Tupilak –tupilak