
The unmasking events surrounding the right-wing extremist Neukölln attack series go into the next round. Those involved are a courageous cab driver, the pigs from the police station and again and again Tilo Paulenz, who was most recently a member of the AFD.

A wave of strikes by public sector employees has taken place in Hamburg in recent days.


On Thursday, 18.11.21, several strikes and related manifestations of the yellow unions - mainly the "Vereinte Dienstleistungsgesellschaft" (ver.di) and the "Gewerkschaft Erziehung & Wissenschaft" (GEW) - took place in downtown Bremen. With 200-250 people each, the two main manifestations were attended. A contingent of proletarian revolutionaries also took part with a banner reading "Break the vicious circle! For a militant union!" participated.

We publish an unofficial translation of a report by Sol Rojo Mexico.


Displaced residents of Illorsuit are contesting the de-facto closure in June 2017, of the Illorsuit and Nuugaatsiaq villages, after a tsunami caused by a landslide in the Karrat Fjord. While Nuugaatsiaq was affected by deaths and damages to the village, Illorsuit suffered no material damages or casualties. After the evacuation, it has not been practical to move back to the village, since basic utilities are missing and the state attorney office has stated that families moving there, may face confiscation of their children, due to poor living conditions. But it is the state who has displaced people, with no plan for resettlement, leaving the buildings and infrastructure to rot. There is space to build further up the hill, and a early warning system for tsunamis could be established, but the state has no interest in supporting such measures, and would rather save money by concentrating the masses, which also lays ground for deepening of bureaucratic capitalism.

Food, heating oil, gasoline - prices are rising noticeably everywhere. The working class is hit hardest, as wages, as always, are not keeping pace. The immediate response is clear: fight for wage increases. A hot fall is approaching.

In the northern district of Essen, a working-class neighborhood characterized by migration and poverty on the outskirts of the city center, proletarian revolutionaries have carried out a mural painting with the slogan: "Devrim ve Parti Ekmetari Hüsyin Peken (Pala) Ölümsüzdür! in honor of Comrade Pala. The painting is on a soccer field, which is one of the busiest parts of the neighborhood.



Punalippu reports that in Tampere an event was held on the situation of the League of Poor Peasants (LCP), condemning the attempts of the old Brazilian state to evict the poor peasants from the land. The event had high a good atmosphere and was marked by outrage against the old Brazilian state, and at the end of the event the song “Santa Elina É Dos Camponeses” was sung in a Finnish version.