


Comrades from Tjen Folket Media report, that actions were made marking the 128th year of the birth of Chairman Mao, with the slogan “Long live Maoism!” seen on wall paintings and bannersin Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger and Trondheim, as well as actions on the Communist Party of the Philipines. In addition to the actions, the international declaration “UNITE UNDER MAOISM!” has been translated and shared on the website.

We publish an updated with signatures version of the declaration for the anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao:

In Istanbul's district of Arnavutköy, the housing administration increased the consumption fees for the new year by 69 percent to 245 lira, which promptly triggered protests from the residents of a large housing complex.

The comrades of Rote Presse have informed us that issue 46 of the Rote Post is online. Furthermore, they have also informed us that after the latest issue reaches them, they will publish the respective previous issue. The latest updated issue can be found here.

New Year's Eve is just around the corner and with it new rules and measures enacted by the German government. Like last year, the German government is banning the sale of fireworks and pyrotechnics and is issuing a burning ban that cities and municipalities can decide on specifically. The federal government's website states: "This year, too, no New Year's Eve fireworks may be sold. The aim of the regulation is to prevent injuries on New Year's Eve in order to relieve the heavily used hospitals." and "The cities and municipalities define central places where the burning of fireworks is generally prohibited."

The wave of labour struggles in Turkey is facing increasing repression. Following protests by construction workers in Istanbul and Ankara who marched outside office buildings of employer Türkerler Holding against layoffs, which police attacked in both locations,