
We publish this video of the bloc of revolutionaries in the FRG in the annual Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg Demonstration:


On the 8th of January Christiane Schneider (domestic politician of the bourgeois party “Die Linke” in Hamburg) gave an Interview to the Hamburg Abendblatt, in which she attacked the Rote Flora and so-called left groups and demands to clearly take stance against violence. At the same time, Schneider presents itself as “unconverer in chief” in the G20 Special Committee.

This year's Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg demonstration was marked by two outstanding political facts.

First, in a climate of witch hunts and white terror, the revolutionary movement in Germany has sent a clear signal. We will not be intimidated! We carry our flags with pride and in the midst of the struggle, we stand united against this state, its lackeys and spies.
Second, it is becoming increasingly clear how the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany is an urgent necessity of the class struggle of the proletariat. In different blocks the cry for the party is expressed and it becomes more and more clear how this demand finds more and more organised, centralised, forms. It is clear to all and everyone that the question today is not whether the party is reconstituted, but how, on what basis and when.

Wir dokumentieren einen Bericht von AntifaschistInnen aus Österreich zu den aktuellen großen Protesten gegen die Regierung:

On the 7th of January up to 5000 people took part in the annual commemoration  of Oury Jalloh in Dessau. This year was the thirteenth year after the murder against Oury Jalloh in German police custody since 2005. Again the demonstration was not a pure memorial for the life that has been taken thirteen years ago. The demonstration – that not only was the strongest ever in terms of participant numbers – marked again and even stronger a signal in the struggle against the imperialist chauvinism of the FRG and its repressive organs, from police to justice, who since the day of the murder try to cover things up, justify and try to criminalise activists.

We document this translation of the call for the annual LLL-Demonstration:

This January 2018 the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg marks its 100th anniversary. 100 years ago they already waged a struggle against capitalism in its highest form, Imperialism. They struggled against exploitation and oppression of billions on the whole world and for the establishment of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. They struggled to make an end to the reign of a small hand full of monopoly capitalists, which divide the world among them. And they struggled for a word, in which the workers and peasants could really take their fate in their own hands, led by the Communist Party. They struggled for Socialism as a stage on the way to Communism.

The following is a documentation of an article published by austrian antifascists that we gladly share:

About 8000 people gave the protests against the new ÖVP/FPÖ government a lively and struggling first impulse. They participated in several demonstrations which joint together at the Heldenplatz for a big manifestation. Thousands expressed in a struggling way and also unanounced demonstrations, their justified anger. Paroles against fascism and exploitation like “Alerta, Alerta, Antifascista“ or “rebellion is justified – do not believe the lies of the exploiters!”, as well as paroles against the dismantlement of the educational system, deportations and against capitalism where shouted by the demonstrators. Many participants saw clear that in this struggle the direction must also targeted against the planned antidemocratic attacks by the ruling class. Especially young students brought their demands to the demonstration in a very lively way.

We publish an italian translation of the statement of the 18th of December:

Oggi durante una conferenza della polizia della “Libera Città di Amburgo”, sono state mostrate le foto di 104 presunti “criminali” e 5 video.
La lista degli incidenti:
„Elbchaussee“: 5 foto di 5 persone. „G 20 Not Welcome!“: 43 foto di 13 persone. „Plünderungen“: 80 foto di 46 persone. „Stein- und Flaschenbewurf“: 32 foto di 17 persons. „Rondenbarg“: 44 foto di 25 persone.