
Suspected members of the West Papua Liberation Army, the military wing of the Free Papua Movement carried out several attacks against Indonesian security forces.

Suspected members of the New Peoples Army carried out new attacks against the old state in the ongoing peoples war on the Philippines.

The last week the Peoples Liberation Guerrilla Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) carried out several actions against the old Indian state.

Today Turkey launched its thoroughly prepared assault on Syria with their attacks on YPG bases in the country, violating the sovereignty of the country and international (bourgeois) law. Yet again under the guise of “combating terrorism” Syria is hurled into further instability. Yankee imperialism, after supporting the YPG and its affiliated forces has declared them to be fair game with the withdrawal of their support and their troops, opening up the space for the Turkish military to attack, as was clear to everyone ever listening to the plainly stated intentions of Turkeys President Erdogan.

Since Tuesday huge demonstrations took place in Iraq. The number of unemployd peolpe is high and the public infrastructure, like scholls or hospitals is week. The ruling system has no perspective for the mases. Irag is one of the most oil-rich countries in the world, but there is an energy crisis. The resources are exported to the imperialist oppressors, of which the Iraqi people have nothing at all.

With revolutionary enthusiasm and internationalist salutations we forward the information that yesterday, on the 70th Anniversary of the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China, comrades from China have launched their very own website “MLM Library” that can be reached at “”  (“maozhuyi” translates into “Maoism”).

In the past two weeks, the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has again carried out several actions against the old state in the ongoing People's War.

As we reported last week the Papua are uprising in the state of Indonesia and claiming for national liberation, an end of racism against their people and an end of repression by the security forces and other reactionary elements. Meanwhile the security forces started to murder in pubic, but this is not a defeat for the rebellion, but in the opposite it is watering the struggle.