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- Europa
Manifestation in Solidarity with the accused in the “TKP/ML trails”
Following the call to defend the accused and imprisoned in the TKP/ML trails and denouncing German imperialism, more than 100 people from various countries and organisations participated in the demonstration in front of the Munich court in which the trails are held since more then two and a half year now.
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- Europa
Witch-hunt in the FRG
Today on a press conference of the police of the “Free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg”, photos of 104 alleged “criminals” were published and 5 videos shown. The list of facts was: „Elbchaussee“: 5 photos of 5 persons. „G 20 Not Welcome!“: 43 photos of 13 persons. „Plünderungen“: 80 photos of 46 persons. „Stein- und Flaschenbewurf“: 32 photos of 17 persons. „Rondenbarg“: 44 photos of 25 persons.
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- Lateinamerika
Communiqué of the displaced Trique of San Miguel Copala
We publish an inofficial translation of a declaration by the Current Red Sun - Oaxaca:
To the working class and the peoples
To democratic and revolutionary organizations
To the democratic magisterium agglutinated to the CNTE1 and classist unions
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- Lateinamerika
Comrade José Adeilton, present in the struggle!
On the 12th of December, comrade Del, José Adeilton died in the age of 55 due to a cardiac arrest. He died in the Revolutionary Area Renato Natan, in Messias, in the braszilian state Alagoas. The comrade had a severe impairment as a result of an enlarged heart and the risk of a sudden death was very high. We translate excerpts of the Declaration of the League of Poor Peasants of the Northeast (LCP-NE) on him:
Del faced his health condition with great courage and the possibility of the transplant with extreme valor. He decided to wait at home to be able to continue fulfilling his revolutionary tasks. He devoted his last hours to the Agrarian Revolution. In the People's Assembly last Sunday, he showed brilliant energy. He decided to walk from his home to the headquarters of the CDRA, a distance of 2 km. In the Assembly, he made a long intervention of more than 2 hours highlighting the tasks that were to be completed, particularly the completion of the construction of the flour mill, also agitated the need to increase the union of the people and to fight the pedants. He finally summoned everyone to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Great Socialist Revolution of October, scheduled for 23/12, which will now also be celebrated in his honor.
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- Asien
Members of Virasam detained
On the 15th of December, up to 19 Members of the Revolutionary Writers’ Association (Virasam) were taken into preventive custody by the indian police. This happened shortly before a protest of Virasam against the World Telugu Conference should take place. The Chairman of Virasam, Varavara Rao, who also was detained, told the reactionary indian press: "The State government is organising the conference to promote Bhramnical ideology and encouraging capitalists. These policies will have a bad impact on modern poets and budding writers".
In the evening of the same day, all mentioned Members were released from preventive custody.
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- Asien
Letter of Kobad Ghandy
We publish this letter written by Kobad Ghandy regarding his renewed arrest by the Police of Jharkhand:
After being acquitted in all cases and spending eight years and three months in jail, when I, Kobad Ghandy was finally released from jail, I was re-arrested by the Jharkhand Police just three days after release. On Dec 16, 2017, I was attending the Achempet Court (near Hyderabad), the Jharkhand, accompanied by the APSIB (Andhra Pradesh State Intelligence Bureau) arrested me and took me by flight to Ranchi.
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- Lateinamerika
First strike in the history of Chilean gas company Gasco
For the first time in the 161 years of existence of the company the employees of Gasco went on strike, starting the 7th of December. After the companies refusal to move any inch closer the workers demands in the collective bargaining process and the dismissal of 30 employees to intimidate them, the overwhelming majority laid down their work last week.
Déclaration de notre Parti, le Parti communiste de Turquie / marxiste-léniniste
We publish this inofficial french translation of the declaration by the TKP/ML:
Déclaration de notre Parti, le Parti communiste de Turquie / marxiste-léniniste
Au sujet de la position adoptée au regard du Mouvement Révolutionnaire Uni des Peuples ; à l'attention des organisations et Partis internationaux frères et amis.
Le 24 mars 2016, le Bureau international (BI) de notre Parti publiait une déclaration intitulée "Aux organisations et Partis internationaux frères et amis". Cette déclaration portait sur le Mouvement Révolutionnaire Uni des Peuples (HBDH – Halkların Birleşik Devrim Hareketi), dont la création venait d'être annoncée le 12 mars 2016. Notre Parti étant au nombre des signataires de cette nouvelle structure, le BI avait l'obligation d'accomplir cette tâche.
À la suite de l'annonce publique de la création de cette structure, et que nous étions l'un des Partis la composant, notre Parti s'est trouvé face à une série de tâches consistant à en comprendre correctement le caractère et le contenu. Nous voulons spécifier ici que notre participation à cette structure est le résultat d'un acte décisionnel qui a outrepassé l'autorité de notre organisation.
Lorsque notre Parti a réalisé pleinement le contenu du programme et de la déclaration fondatrice du HBDH, une discussion interne a été initiée. La discussion a porté sur divers points incluant l'outrepassement de l'autorité organisationnelle et le programme de la nouvelle formation. Comme vous pourrez le voir dans la déclaration qui va suivre, une grande partie du programme et de la déclaration fondatrice du HBDH n'est pas en accord avec les options programmatiques, les principes fondamentaux et la ligne politique de notre Parti.
Selon nous, le caractère de cette structure excède celui d'une coordination d'action conjointe. Au regard de la globalité de son programme, de ses objectifs et buts, elle revêt le caractère d'une organisation de type front.