
Yesterday, Tuesday, February 21, the U.S. government around Joe Biden presented the new immigration regulations already announced in January. After a 30-day discussion phase, it is set to replace the immigration regulations from the times of the Trump administration, which have been in place ever since the beginning of Corona and currently still determine US immigration policy. Biden is not merely following in Trump’s footsteps with this new regulation, no – this new asylum policy is even more reactionary than Trump’s ever was.

We publish an unofficial translation of an article written by the comrades of Solrojista from Mexico.

Morelos/Mexico. Four years after the cowardly murder of Samir Flores Soberanes by the narco-state, who was an opponent of the mega-project of expropriation and death "Proyector Integral Morelos", a race for the life of the people took place today in his memory, in which more than 200 people of different ages and from different regions of the country participated. It is known that the masterminds of his assassination are the three levels of government, but investigations point to only four perpetrators, one of whom is in prison, another murdered, one a fugitive and another unidentified. Given the lack of interest from the Morelos State Attorney General's Office, they are demanding that the case be referred to the Attorney General's Office and that Erik Flores, federal deputy of Morelos, and Cuauhtémoc Blanco, governor of Morelos, be called as witnesses. Justice for Comrade Samir and punishment for the guilty! No to the Morelos Integral project!

In the last two weeks there have been several reports that Chinese spy balloons have been spotted over North and South America. The social-imperialists in China denied this, saying that these are weather balloons that are only for scientific research that should not be worried about. For the government of the USA however, these balloons represent an act of war, since it would constitute military espionage and therefore they demand direct consequences such as sanctions.

We publish an unofficial translation of a document by the comrades of the FDLP-EC from Ecuador.

Lasso's regime is corrupt. Of course, just being a banker makes him corrupt.

A banker makes him corrupt. His mere fact of owning the means of production and usurping the labour of the workers already makes him corrupt. So nothing new under the sun.

We are publishing an unofficial translation of a document from the LCP of Rondonia and Western Amazonia denouncing and condemning the recent massacre of peasants in the Tiago Campin dos Santos area.

Torture before the massacre

The massacre, perpetrated by the Special Operations Battalion (BOPE) on 28 January in the Nova Mutum Paraná region, Porto Velho district, was preceded by the arbitrary arrest and torture of at least three peasants from the Tiago Campim dos Santos area, one of whom was shot in the shoulder, while two other peasants, comrades Esticado and Mandruvá, were tortured and killed.

The peasants Esticado (Rodrigo Hawerroth) and Mandruvá (Raniel Barbosa Laurindo) were not in possession of a weapon, were arrested by the military police and brutally tortured without any chance of defence and later cowardly murdered. The marks on the comrades' bodies leave no doubt about the cruelty they were subjected to, both bodies had numerous bruises from rifle butts and blows, perforations on the body, including in the eyes, furthermore comrade Rodrigo had his tongue torn out and both ends of his mouth cut by a sharp object.

In addition to this shameful crime, other troops of the military police under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Pontes attacked the families camped near BR 364, shooting and throwing bombs in their direction, robbing and destroying their belongings and carrying out arbitrary and illegal repression and expulsions.

All this to defend the privileges and illegal interests of the large landowner Antonio Martins dos Santos, the Galo Velho, the notorious thief of public lands of the Union, who has been denounced several times and has been the target of various actions by the Federal Ministry of Public Affairs. The military police of the governor, Colonel Marcos Rocha, lackey of the landowner, has committed a series of crimes against the peasants of this region in defence of the bandit Galo Velho, land robber, land thief, leader of an armed gang (almost always made up of police officers) and murderer of peasants.

And in the face of all this, the press monopolies (G1 of the Globo network) and the rubbish press of Rondonia (rondoniaovivo et al.) fulfil their role as usual as mouthpieces of the hoodlum police and the big landowners. They remain silent about such serious crimes or confine themselves to repeating the mercenary police's mendacious version of an armed confrontation and exchange of fire, always trying to slander and demonise the peasants in the struggle for land as the worst criminals in order to absurdly justify the practice of mistreatment, torture and summary executions.

It only takes a little honesty, it only takes eyes to see with a simple glance the photos showing the situation in which the bodies of comrades Esticado and Mandruvá were presented, mutilated and already lifeless, to confirm that they were brutally tortured and murdered in cold blood and that the police version is nothing but a shameless and cynical farce to hide once again the truth of the facts.

Till when will this outfit of murderers and uniformed bandits of the old state continue to commit torture and murder of peasants with impunity?

As long as it depends on the governors of the landlords, the other politicians of Rondonia, the mercenaries of the police and a large section of the judiciary of the state, the landlords who steal the land from the Union and their armed gangs, the national press monopolies and the rubbish press of Rondonia, all of whom are the same scoundrel and are richly funded with public money, this will continue until they are wiped out by the revolution in the country.

But as long as this does not happen, they are mistaken if they believe that they can continue their crimes with impunity without being reacted to. No matter how much they try to use repression and state terror to put down the peasants' struggle, while on the one hand there is a handful of parasitic landowners protected by the old state who seize most of the land, and on the other hand millions of poor peasants who are landless or have little land, the struggle for agrarian revolution, for land for those who work it, will continue to grow; and the spilt blood of our comrades will be avenged, we will respond with the same violence, you can count on it! The blood of our people shed in struggle does not drown it, but soaks our cause, makes our flags even redder, increases our class hatred, our determination and our will to fight. The risk the stick takes, the axe takes! We'll pick up the tab and you'll pay dearly for it!

To the peasants, the workers, the small and medium entrepreneurs, the students, the teachers, the people's artists, the honest intellectuals, the class and democratic organisations and bodies and the truly democratic people: We call on all to demand the punishment of those who ordered and carried out the abuses, the tortures and the murder of the peasants!

Honour and glory to the comrades who fell in the struggle for soil!

Punishment for those who carried out and ordered the murders of the people's fighters!

Out of our territories, raccoon police of the big landowners who are thieves of the Union land!

The land of Tiago dos Santos belongs to the people!

Conquer the land! Destroy the latifundium!

Long live the agrarian revolution!

LCP - League of Poor Peasants of Rondonia and Western Amazonia

On February 11, a broad alliance consisting of different progressive and revolutionarist forces from Basel had called for the "Revolutionary Climate Demonstration". About 500 people from Switzerland, Germany and France took part in the demonstration, aiming to advance a revolutionary and anti-capitalist standpoint in the climate movement.

In Bremen, actions have been carried out in recent days denouncing and condemning the current crimes and cruelties of the old states of the big landowners and bureaucratic capitalists in Brazil and Mexico against the people and especially the poor peasants, and expressing solidarity with the struggling masses, especially those who are developing the struggle under the leadership of the League of Poor Peasants (LCP) in Brazil and the Popular Current - Red Sun (CP-Sol Rojo) in Mexico. We share information and pictures that have been sent to us.

On February 8th, the Alliance Against Imperialist Aggression held a rally to denounce the massacre of several poor peasants in the Brazilian state of Rondina and the threats to the people's resistance against the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) in the municipality of Rincón Tagolaba (Rinconcito) in Tehuantepec, Oaxaca (Mexico). The Alliance Against Imperialist Aggression had called for the rally after the threats to the people's resistance against the imperialist mega-project in Mexico became known. Shortly after, the massacre of the poor peasants in Brazil also became known, so the Alliance Against Imperialist Aggression updated its call and immediately denounced these cruel murders by the Brazilian state and its police.