


On November 4th revolutionary activists marked the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Norway, Before the markation posters were put up around Oslo with the slogans ”Long live Maoism! Down with revisionism!” and ”NKP 99 years – Reconstitute the Communist Party of Norway!”.


The mayoral election held on November 13 in the "Hanseatic and University City of Rostock", once again underscores the trend of increasing rejection of the bourgeois electoral farce by the masses.


We are publish an unofficial translation of a contribution by the comrades of the Sol Rojo popular movement from Mexico.


Comrades of Tjen Folket Media reports on several activities the past few weeks.

On October 27th activists from Kampokiteen went out to distribute leaflets against violence against women and to mobilise for an open meeting and demonstration. The leaflets were distributed on the streets in Trondheim and many supported the leaflets.

Since the beginning of October, production has been at a standstill at 'Teigwaren Riesa'. The once largest and famous pasta factory of the GDR is located in the district of Gröba, where in a harbor the Döllnitz flows into the Elbe, of the city of Riesa, a city of just under 30,000 inhabitants in the Saxon district of Meißen. At 12.51 euros, workers there earn only marginally more than the federal minimum wage.

We upload a picture of a painting made in Berlin-Marzahn, to honor the fallen mexican comarades Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Filogonio Martínez Merino, that where send to us.

We publish an inofficial translation of an article by the Mexican website Sol Rojista that was sent to us.


Starting on 26 October 2022, around 6500 workers in 23 ports in Chile went on strike for 48 hours. Thus, the port workers were mainly demanding higher wages, sufficient pension for retirement, new labour laws specifically for port work and better safety conditions in the ports. Already during the election campaign, the government of the opportunist Boric had promised better conditions in the ports. None of these promises were kept. The ports of San Antonio, Iquique, San Vicente and Antofagasta saw the largest mobilisations.