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- Europa
Regarding Munich
There has been an attack in Bavaria, the Kingdom of Horst Seehofer (Governor of Bavaria and head of the rabiate CSU). Bavaria is a state, in which the immigrant-baiting can be compared quite well to the one of some Saxon villages, like Clausnitz. A little bit more eloquent, a little bit less martial – racism per excellence – imperialist chauvinism through and through. Horst Seehofer is a sovereign of his country, who can be pride of the unyielding friendship with the fascist Viktor Orban.
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- Europa
Austria: Festive Event on the 30th anniversary of the Day of Heroism
Wir haben eine englische Übersetzung eines Berichts aus Österreich, den wir vor kurzem hier veröffenlicht haben, erhalten. Hier gehts zum Bericht auf Deutsch.
„Glory to the fallen heroes, long live the revolution!“
For the first time in Austria was hold an internationalist festive event on the occation of the anniversary of the Day of Heroism. This event have to be celebrated as a big victory for the international communist movement, because it was hold under the guidance of the proletarian ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo and in rememberance on the fallen heroes of the Peruvian revolution.
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- Europa
On the Brexit Vote
We find this short but clear statement by the editors of “Rot Front” (Austria) and “Klassenstandpunkt” (Germany) regarding Brexit very important and post it here as we believe it should be discussed widely.
The vote in Great Britain is cast and has resulted in a slim victory of the pro-“Brexit” camp, even though the numerous economic and political links will mean that it will not a complete exit but merely a modification of the political ones. For the imperialists of the EU, and especially Germany and France, it means that an important rival has been pushed back. In the medium term this will benefit German imperialism the most, which will lead to a sharpening of the contradiction between German imperialism and the peoples of Europe and the world.
The result of the referendum prove that the means of parliamentary cretinism cannot provide a single step for the liberation of our class. All the self-proclaimed “revolutionaries” and “communists” that called for a vote against remaining in the EU have now used up all their ammunition, since the result that is the one the called for. Now they stand there having to meekly admit that their participation in the vote did not move the British proletariat one step forward but merely aids a certain section of the British bourgeoisie and some of Britain’s rivals in the EU. Instead of developing the independent forces of the people on the basis of active boycott they took part in the spectacle of the bourgeoisie. Now their cluelessness regarding the way forward shows the lack of perspective of revisionism and parliamentary cretinism. Because of this the firm, internationalist statement of the Communist Party of Italy (Maoist), which makes clear that the popular masses will not free themselves through the means of the ballot box and parliamentary cretinism, is an important contribution regarding this event. The referendum in Britain clearly shows that the bourgeoisie can less and less rule as it has done. This is the general situation, not only in Great Britain, which is why in future the bourgeoisie will increasingly resort to referendums and other tricks. The communist forces have the great duty to use this situation and, firmly based on the masses, fight to deepen this political crisis of the bourgeoisie. To be able to walk this path standing tall it is necessary to break with parliamentary cretinism and wage a ruthless struggle against revisionism. Even though during the course of the vote revisionism raised its head across the EU, it was the red forces of the communist movement that made important steps in this struggle.
Death to Imperialism!
Long live the proletarian world revolution!
Editors of Rot Front (Austria)
Editors of Klassenstandpunkt (Germany)
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- Europa
A weekend against repression
Here we publish a translation of an experience report on the last weekend, which was send to us. The German original can be read here.
The last weekend was characterized by the fight against the repression, especially against Turkish revolutionaries, in the FRG. In addition it began really early, namely on Friday the 17th of June at 9 AM … in Munich. There the trial against ten activists of the Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe (ATIK) was started. They were already arrested on 15th of April last year in Greece, France, Switzerland and the FRG. They are charged with the alleged support of a foreign terrorist association, the TKP/ML, which is however not listed on any terror list in Europe, at least not on the official ones.
30th anniversary of the Day of Heroism
Proletarians of all countries unite!
19th of June 1986 – 19th of June 2016
30th anniversary of the Day of Heroism
Uphold, defend and apply Maoism to serve the advancement of the world proletarian revolution!
“The fierce Resistance, was accomplished, this has never been done, is a great triumph of Chairman Gonzalo, the Communist Party of Peru, we will all die. Honour and glory to the fallen comrades and combatants! Long live Chairman Gonzalo! Long live the Communist Party of Peru!”
- comrade Augusto, Shining Trench of Combat “El Frontón”, 19th of June 1986, moments before he gave his life for the Party and the Revolution
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- Europa
Some reports on Mayday 2016 in the FRG
Till now we received reports from our own sources out of Hamburg and Berlin. Several revolutionary and internationalist groups said their reports will be comming up the next days. We will sum them up then.
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Mayday speech of the CRH
Here we publish a translation of the speech of the Collective Red Hamburg on the Mayday demonstration in Hamburg in 2016, which was send to us:
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- Allgemein
Report on the activities in the FRG regarding the week of action to support the Peoples War in India 2nd – 9th of April 2016
We publish the report on the activities in the FRG regarding the week of action to support the Peoples War in India, which was send to us. In the upcoming days we will report on the week of action in other countries.