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- Category: Lateinamerika
We publish this declaration of the Current of the People Sol Rojo:
Statewide day of SolRojista Struggle
The next February 26 begins our Statewide Day of Struggle for an indefinite period in the City of Oaxaca Rebelde, with the participation of the SolRojista contingents from various regions of the state and different social sectors agglutinated in the ranks of our organization.
Within the framework of this Day, the SolRojistas will be joining with the struggle from the streets to internationalist activities for the celebrations of the 170th anniversary of the publication of the Manifesto of the Communist Party and the 200th anniversary of the birth of the first great leader of the international proletariat, Carl Marx.
Develop and strengthen our Statewide Day of Struggle on February 26!
We choose to fight!
Do not vote, organize and struggle!
With the Red Sun, the people will win!
May the workers rule the country!
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- Category: Lateinamerika
We share this press release of the Current of the People Sol Rojo:
To the working class and the poor peasantry
To the indigenous peoples in resistance
To popular youth and revolutionary women
To the democratic magisterium of the CNTE
To the democratic and classist unions
To popular democratic organizations
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- Category: Asien
The President of the Philippines, Duterte, recently officially called the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines) and the NPA (New People‘s Army) terrorists. According to the bourgeois press, who is referring to sources of the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines), that forced many members of the NPA to surrender. The CPP, however, didn’t deny that there have been some capitulating individuals, naming surenderees a “part of the realities of war” in a press release. Those surrenderees are denoted as a uprising trend by the bourgeois press. Those allegations are strenuously rejected by the CPP.
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- Category: Europa
Last weekend yet again thousands of people went on the streets of one of Austria's biggest and most important cities. In Linz, a major capitol of industry, the estimated number of demonstrators was exceeded more then sixfold. Comrades from various organizations organized a strong expression with their own decisive block. Henceforth, we document the statement of the comrades from
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- Category: Lateinamerika
The genocide Brazilian state already shows how the reactionary civil war against the poor people is sharpening in 2018. 380 shootings were registered, being 36 shootings only in Cidade de Deus (God City) favela from January 1st to 31st in Rio de Janeiro state. A protest took place in January 31st after the police came at 7 in the morning and killed 3 people, the protesting people resisted making barricades, burning tires in the road and throwing stones and fireworks against the repression forces.
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- Category: Europa
Following the events of the Great Socialist October Revolution the finnish proletariat, starting on the 27th January of 1918, made a decisive grab for power, confronting the class enemy in force. On the 100th anniversary of this heroic attempt to free the finnish proletariat from it’s shakes, comrades in Finland's town of Tampere organized a lighting demonstration to celebrate it and rally new forces to the struggle.
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- Category: Lateinamerika
We publish this english translation of a message from the EPL:
Revolutionary greetings, as the struggle of the Peruvian people has been increased in quantity and quality, becoming more intense and fierce, a lesson in the very heat of the class struggle and the increase is gradual, the People's War and the PCP impressed in these 38 years of combative and avant-garde experience of the World Proletarian Revolution, today the need and demand in Peru is greater, it commits us to the peasantry and the broad masses of neighbourhoods, with the deepest and broadest masses, they are the arena of contention against the old Peruvian state, a paper tiger to the bone and its genocidal armed forces expert in defeats, its repressive police forces that are the support of its old order of exploitation and oppression.
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- Category: Lateinamerika
We publish a translation of a message of a classist teacher from Peru:
As the I. macro regional Convention of the Centre was successful, a resounding success, because the class positions were imposed and unmasked and crushed black positions of the new revisionism, the LOD (Movadef) and the LOL (left liquidationism) infiltrated in the teaching post, the glorious name of the SUTEP and the Indefinite National Strike of 2017 were defended, all its achievement and progress and a brief balance was done, the FENATEP of CASTILLO Terrones was denounced; which only traffics, is promoted and takes pictures greeting as a candidate for the upcoming elections of the old rotten and genocidal system.