
In the last few days, several actions were again carried out by the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) [CPI(Maoist)] against the old Indian state, in the ongoing and invincible people's war.

In the last weeks revolutionaries carried out actions in homage to Chairman Gonzalo in popular neighbourhoods in some cities in Bolivia.

In France, the government decided last Tuesday, 27 December to tighten measures for the unvaccinated. As of 15 January, a negative Corona test will no longer be considered and recognised as part of the Corona passport valid in France, Jean Castex announced in Paris. From mid-January, full vaccination protection will be required to visit clubs, bars, restaurants, events or even to start a journey.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, a graffiti was painted in Berlin-Spandau, near the BMW production facilities. With the slogan "Unite under Maoism", the painting calls for the unification of revolutionaries. 

Everything has the stamp of a class, so also climate change and the so much propagated "climate protection". Both are an expression of the main contradiction on the world level, an expression of the contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nations (within the imperialist countries: contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie). This is quite clearly shown by the example of Emissions Trading.

Since the 9th of December, the workers of the 13 factories and research centres of the materials chemistry company "Arkema" have been on strike.

We are publishing an unofficial translation sent to us of a contribution by the Mexican comrades.


Socialistisk Revolution reports that proletarian revolutionaries action was made in Aalborg, in solidarity with the League of Poor Peasants (LCP).