
The People´s Liberation Guerilla Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoists) carried out several actions against the old Indian state in the recent week.

Ali İhsan Özkan's, who was immortalized in the December massacre, mother Hayriye Özkan died on May 14 of the aftermath of the coronavirus. She died on May 14 in Ankara from the coronavirus disease she was diagnosed with.

With great joy we celebrate the appearance of this new voice of the revolutionary movement in Mexico.

In several cities textile workers gathered to the streets to demanded their full salary and the opening of the factories in good hygienic conditions, which were closed due the corona pandemic.

We publish videos with shows in a very vivid manner how comrades in Colombia are organizing the deepest and broadest masses in the shanty towns, organizing their protest and raising their demands.

We publish a very strong video made by the family and friends of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García , and unite with the comrades in demanding the presentation in life of this great defender of the people and its interests.

Here you find the video:

You find more information about the case here, here, here and here... and here.

We publish a flyer here, which we hope to be able to publish soon in German and English:


From open sources we have received the following from revolutionaries in social imperialist China. We publish it in the spirit of spreading information about the struggle of the people against the social imperialist rulers.

At first the english and below the chinese original.