
The term of office of Haiti's ruling President Moise has officially ended on February 7th. However, he is not thinking of stopping to govern - after all, an interim government led state affairs for the first year after the elections. Since the end of his five-year term the opposition calls for his resignation, while Jovonel Moise is of the opinion that he has one more year to rule.

Peasants of Camp Manoel Ribeiro, Rondonia (Brazil), successfully repelled an eviction attempt carried out by armed men this week. On January 18, two gunmen of the Nossa Senhora landlords, approached one of the gates leading towards the lands of the peasants of Camp Manoel Ribeiro in an obvious attempt of intimidating them. Realizing the peasants were not intimidated so easily however, they proclaimed they would be visiting for talks as they had to remove parts of the Camp for cattle. The peasants however did not retreat and stood their ground, until the gunmen went away for the time being.

On January 7 the verdict regarding the police assassination of Mapuche leader Camilo Catrillanca was announced by the Oral Criminal Court of Angol, in the Araucana region of Southern Chile. His family however was not able to witness the convictions for themselves as the police at the very same time the verdict was announced launched this years first great offensive against the Mapuche, also arresting the father, the mother, the widow and the daughter of the Camilo on their way to court.

More than 56 million boycott the electoral farce - 30% of voters repudiate false democracy and call for a new way forward

Democratic organizations stood up against the 4th report of the governor of the entity, Alejandro Murat Hinojosa (PRI), which was made in the face of the absolute complacency, silence and complicity of the wrongly named "parliamentary opposition" (MORENA), as well as the reformist, opportunist and revisionist formations that kept their silence in the streets.

For about two weeks now, numerous protests by women have been raging in Mexico. The trigger was the murder of a young woman who disappeared in Cancun at the beginning of November and whose dead body was found on the 9th of November.

Six days ago, Francisco Rafael Sagasti was sworn in as the new president of Peru, after previous president Manuel Merino resigned with only five days in office. He is the third president to govern Peru this month (ex-president Vizcarra was impeached November 9). All three of these (former) presidents have in common, that none of them was elected in accordance with the parliamentary system in Peru, where the president is voted for directly, but were merely appointed.

We share a video from Ecuador in solidarity with the League of the poor Peasants of Brazil.